I need to try and get my copy to work again. Last time I tried it kept crashing or something, can't quite remember. Think it has something to do with me being on W10 since I last played it.
I've also upgraded to a DD wheel so I imagine I'll have the same issues Paul did where it's not going to recognize my h-shifter and Fanatec wheel since I have multiple USB devices (same issue with Nascar 2003).
Is it especially a problem with a DD wheel or multiple USB devices ?
Personally, I have a G27 wheel, a Fanatec CSP V2 and a TH8 H-Shifter on multiple USB devices of course ... and no problem at all ... all controllers are working perfectly on Win10.
Didn't you forget to start every GTR2.exe ( config or/and game ) with admin rights ? .... else it will not work.
Even Bill2's Process Manager needs those admin rights ... else it doesn't work either.
NB: no need to say I'm still considering GTR2 as the most complete sim until now. Even old and outdated and missing some perfect points surely .... it remains one of the best remembered, the most modded and the most complete of all Simracing platforms.
AC should surely be ... one of its best successors ... but still missing important features as:
better AI, better racing features as penalties, manual pitlimiter, launched starts, Save feature etc ...
NB: forgetting rain and night ... as it will surely be possible within some time by those fantastic and talented AC modders.
GTR2 misses the new bling bling features .... and a better FFB.
Nearly sure a updated GTR2 with more actual features and up to date possibilities + new content should be a better success than a problematic and unsure GTR3 ... often promised and never coming.