One of the underdog simulators, Live for Speed, has finally received an update (version 0.6J) after a long period of silence.
Live for Speed was originally published in 2003 and developed by a three-strong team to become one of the most respected simulators around. While it's been overshadowed by newer, flashier games, LFS still has a loyal and dedicated following.
Patch 6J brings performance improvements in order to reduce the load on CPU and GPU. The game now also has a more accurate frame limiter, and Oculus VR users can enter and exit 3D-mode without leaving the game.
- Static vertex buffers reorganised to reduce DirectX instructions.
- Frames buffered (default 1) to allow next frame to start rendering.
- More efficient car distance sorting system for sound and graphics.
- Dynamic vertex buffers now set to use hardware vertex processing.
- Better frame rate in places where many objects may be visible.
- Sky texture is now drawn in mirrors.
- Layout editor object selection buttons are sorted by distance.
- Z-buffer depth setting can now be changed without restarting LFS.
- Mirror now uses 24 bit Z buffer if Z buffer setting is more than 16.
- Frame rate limitation system is now accurate and has better values.
- New frame info display shows sleep / physics updates / gpu waiting.
- Now using an event query instead of a lock for input lag prevention.
- Minimum sleep setting changed to "Sleep every frame" (yes / no).
- Now using Direct3D 9Ex if available (Windows Vista and later).
- Reduced glitch when autocross objects are optimised (e.g. on load).
- Reduced min / max values for "Sound lag" setting - default now 0.08
- New Audio Option "Sound when window is inactive" (off / on).
- Added a 3D level slider option to adjust monitor-based 3D views.
- Reduced CPU / GPU usage by sharing scene preparation for both eyes.
- Now using Oculus SDK version which includes timewarp.
- You can now enter and leave Rift mode without restarting LFS.
- Smooth display (if you do not use SLI or force vertical sync).
- Monitor window view options : blank / one eye / two eyes.
- For users who cannot use the Oculus 0.6 runtime, you can still use the 0.5 run-time. Simply rename the ORDIRECT.dll to some other name, and LFS will then use LFSORDLL.dll instead (extended mode only).
- Some buildings at Westhill track were drawn using a slow method.
- Mouse clipped to window (CTRL+C) now works properly with ALT+TAB.
- Using mouse wheel to change gear did not work properly at high fps.
- Layout editor object selection buttons used interface button slots.
- Crash changing texture resolution with two or more objects selected.
- Anisotropic filtering did not work on car textures (including skin).
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