Awesome one Andy, hosting a night server, thanks!
Was great getting to drive with
@Ben O'Bro for a night time cruise / gentle race
After all the work Ben has put in... It just had to be done....
And if he says he is slow and crashes... Don't listen to him... he's fast
That's cool Andy, see what cars look and feel right in this part of the world
Freeroam has exactly the same timing gates as the normal loop (clockwise)....
So timing should work fine in
ANY Freeroam servers.... Also if anyone completes a clockwise loop online... Assetto will save a replay... Fair enough there are no track cams... But if you get Stereo's JoyCam app... very good things are possible
I also put in 125 start positions, so races / race weekends.... should be possible... Up to the maximum of 125... Not sure I'd go that high though for network reasons... But I had to make it possible.
Great idea on the map... Text wouldn't work... as the map 'should' be 4096 x 4096 over this size area... too low resolution really for any text...
Which is part of the reason why I went too high res on the Freeroam map (16k) included in the 0.5 download.
I will be reducing the map to 4k... as the 16k map.png causes a lagging issue... which a fair few people have experienced... I must admit I haven't had any lag, not sure why I didn't (possibly 6gb video ram helped)
Great idea for the map... I've been thinking about something like that... But in a later update... I will be putting in the proper road name signs and/or distance signs (e.g Los Angeles 10 miles)
Not sure yet.. because I've gone a 'little' over budget with polys, I'm trying to keep materials/textures down. This will take a little bit of juggling to get right. If after the trees people are still getting 90FPS then things can be increased.
From what I've been hearing, It seems to be running almost as efficiently as the 0.3 version...
Once downscaling the map.png.
Thanks again for the server Andy
And thanks for providing links to all the mods used
All the servers have some nice car lists and variations... Great seeing car numbers getting up to 10 - 15 and even having oncoming fast movin 'real' traffic