AC Kunos Toyota AE86 Tuned @ Zandvoort - Monday 25 Nov 2019

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I don't know what happening with my clutch, I am pressing all the way down and he decides for itself that it's only 98% pressed so I start moving on the grid while waiting for the lights to go off ... don't get it. ... I was teleported to pits with a 20s penalty ... So I just exited. Sorry :(
Well I was doing ok (for me) and then ...what is up with people, do they really not understand son walks past and knocks my chair, then the wife is standing beside me trying to talk :mad: ..of course I crashed, then proceeded to go a bit wild, neither the Wife or the Son could understand my frustration...

Well I hope you all had some fun

Congrads to the podiums :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and congrads to all that finished :thumbsup:

Hope to see you all at the next event :)

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