JB72's F1 2019 Season mod[CORE]

Misc JB72's F1 2019 Season mod[CORE] 1.0.6

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I don't think it'll work as the the files he modded are in one erp and with the original texture so installing it will set the cars to default texture.

Thats ok, it was worth asking anyway. I've downloaded it and can deal with the default cameras. Thank you for your effort! thanks to you we are basically playing F1 2019 already
Thats ok, it was worth asking anyway. I've downloaded it and can deal with the default cameras. Thank you for your effort! thanks to you we are basically playing F1 2019 already
Glad you are enjoying the game more. Be ready for updates by next week new team files, garage files, audio and hopefully additional language.
can i combine our mod with kris`s mod?

i want our livries cars and helmelts and another things from kris.
You can use other files from kris mod like audio, languages, but not the driversuits as they have the animation for the steering change due to a chassis swap. I will have an update wthis weekend with the driversuit and additional files if you can wait for it.
Hey there!! looks like a great mod! Is there any way to just use the 2019 skins on my current career. i wanna continue my current career but just use new skins. is it in any way possible to do that? Thank you