Japanese Grand Prix to Become a Night Race From 2018 (April Fool)

Honda's lack of performance in sunlight may also be due to Mercedes, Renault and Ferrari using hidden solar panels to compliment their Power Unit. Not knowing this, Honda then pushed too hard to try and catch up and had many reliability issues. I think the FIA should have way tougher scrutineering to avoid this, having an unfair advantage due to solar panels in such a high tech sport is just a joke!
A beer for using the word "scrutineering" in a sentence.....:D:thumbsup:
The article specifically says "over 230". A number like 721 is definitely over 230 :roflmao:

Yep! They use 1600 in Singapore on a similar length track. So yes. You're right. Over 230!

Maybe Honda will make up the difference by lining up spent McLaren engines around the edge of the circuit and setting them alight.

Or the Halo devices will become a little more angelic by filling them with flurescent tubing so they light the way.
Knowing the direction this sport is taking, I wouldn't be too surprised to see it actually happening, not that I'd approve it. They ruined the sport enough, this would do absolutely no difference.

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