the line "F1_1986.srs" was already there
and that's not all, check this out
- the second time I start the 1986 season everything was just fine. and the third
so that's good news I guess
I didn't done anything yet now it wasn't crash, fingers cross it will stay this way
And once again... thank you for this piece of art, really. I don't understand why this mod isn't more popular around here (perhaps AMS itself isn't that popular anymore, possible) but I know I'll play this oldie much more now, this will be beside CART Extreme my main reason to start this game.
Got one question though...
since you guys made so many of those liveries (all?) sadly they all appear in the game all the time, so, is there a way not to have, say, 5 Piercarlo Ghinzani's in one race ? you know... it kind kills the immersion little bit
I figured I can do something by myself - deleting all but one livery for each driver but then, since I love historic accuracy, then comes the question - which actual race I want to keep and which would I delete. Would be silly to have, say, Williams from Belgium and Benetton from Monza.
Then here's another thing... since 1986 is probably my favorite F1 year... it would be sad to delete all those beautiful liveries you guys done painstakingly.
So... to cut this long and boring
story short... any solution for this ?
to not have multiple same drivers in race ?
Thank you once again, imho this deserves to be payware.