Is Iracing for me?

I seek clean multiplayer racing against people with similar skill.
So far it was quite hard to find for me - tried to participate in AC leagues, but since i don't have too much time to practise (really little to be honest), and i am not the fastest driver, i was always juggling around at the back of the grid without really racing against other drivers, since the worst ones were way behind, and the better ones i couldn't catch.
Open servers are mostly a wreckfest.
So i started thinking about Iracing...
This rating system sounds quite nice, like a matchmaking, throwing people together with similar skill.
Question remains, if there are enough like-minded people in, like me, that are really not that fast? When reading about the Sim, it always sounds like it's really only for the "pro's" and awfully competitive, so i don't know if i am up for the task...
What do you think, is Iracing only for people that are fast and have a lot of time to commit, or also for "casuals" like me, that want to have good racing, but can't commit too much...?
Thanks for useful answers
Yes. I think when you introduce a speed rating is means people take it more seriously and don't wreck so much but on the other hand they can take it a bit too seriously. I mean you lose maximum of 100 irating if you retire and that 100 irating isn't going to move you into different splits every race and is easily recoverable :p

I find SR to be one of the hardest things to maintain. A couple of innocent brushes with another car, a spin, dipping the edge of the tire off in the wrong spot, or the worst, being punted (even accidentally due to the equal fault system), can eradicate your SR and iR quickly, even if you finish well! In this way, iRacing has created a clean racing system that does not really replicate real life perfectly and can be quite frustrating when you have done nothing against the rules, finish well and then see little to no SR/iR increase. It is especially frustrating in the lower MPRs because the talent level and experience is lower, but that is also like real life.

If anything, it has instilled more of an attitude of not caring about the outcome of the race and focusing on my racecraft and improving my ability more, because I have little to no control over the race and what other racers will do to my SR/iR.
I really enjoyed IRacing when I had time to practice. With practice, you perform better, do less faults and understand better your car but it takes time...And also you have to practice with a target in mind...

But if you do races without training it could be awfull...

At least, give it a try (3 months) with mx-5.
You will not find clean racing on Iracing. It's marketing and from my point of view it's worst than anything else.
Don't buy cars or tracks or you will be trapped into the system.
You will not find clean racing on Iracing. It's marketing and from my point of view it's worst than anything else.
Don't buy cars or tracks or you will be trapped into the system.


Sorry, but that's utter nonsense.
Worse than anything else? Compared to what? Public multiplayer in AC, PCars etc? The driving skill in the lower classes like Rookie, D or C and there especially in the lower splits is not very good or clean but in the higher splits I've experienced the fairest races I've ever taken part in. It's important that you get out of the low splits (under 1400) as soon as possible and then you'll appreciate Iracings online system.

Questions: how long did you try Iracing? What license do you have? What was the SOF of the races you participated? Oval or road?

Right now you sound like a guy who got frustrated because you did not try long enough.
Hmmm driving skill, split just bullshit marketing.
There is no split, no bla bla in R3E or AC multi and i experienced less garbage than on Iracing.
I know people whith a lot of experience and higher IR than me and they all said that they suffer accident and bad behaviours.
Stay away from Iracing that is my advice. They stole your money.
You will find free leagues and will have better races there than on Iracing.

I even think that there is a scripted IA in Iracing which bork races because i saw things that i never see in other games.
No, it's a system that works. It's not perfect but in the long term it works so that you get in a split with guys of the same or similar skill-level to have fair and clean races. But you have to work for it and in your case it looks like you just gave up after the first crashes, spins etc. Looking at public multiplayer in AC or Raceroom it's more or less like a lottery to get in a server where people actually have race craft and don't try to kill you in lap 1/turn 1. Joining a league is of course a good alternative but they have fixed times to race which don't suit everyones calendar. When I want to race competitive against other racers I just start Iracing and join a race, it's that easy.
No, it does not work like that at all. As i said i suffer more accidents in Iracing than in any other games.
AC servers are up, you can race every evening with a lot of people and you will have less trouble than in Iracing.
IRacing is a shame, you work for iracing?
Jeeeez, what drugs are you on? :D
Ever wondered if you're also partly to blame for the accidents you're in or are you the type of guy who likes to point with the fingers on others?
LOL dont listen to this GP20 troll please he obviously has no clue about iRacing.. With his AI remark :roflmao:

iRacing is hands down the best online multiplayer sim imo, and i have played them all. Maybe not for FFB or physics, wich are pretty good nonetheless imo, but definetly when it comes to the competition. To just join a race at any given time and have fierce and capable competitors is just amazing. This kind of racing you can only find on a regular basis in leagues or at iRacing.

I currently run the fr2.0 and try to do at least 1 race every week. After a hour of practice im usually 1-1.5 sec off the alien times wich gets me into the midpack of the top/high splits where the racing is amazing and unmatched like in any public lobby of any game or sim. Of course there is still going to be bad incidents or races sometimes but overall it is really good.

Only downside is the pricing, yes it is expensive. So if u are down on coin and have the time to do league racing then maybe that could be the better alternative. But if u have the coin to spare and want good online racing at your own schedule iRacing is definetly the way to go.