I'm confused, which is not hard I know. You have two Mods Impact V6 and now this Whatever you do don't crash Mod and you say you use them, also LAR555's settings, but they all seem to have different Logitech profiler and FFB settings. And now you have posted a new setting for Damper effect. which again has different settings, so as I say I'm confused.I use this (just the ingame settings) :
FFB G25/G27 by Real rally Driver - LAR555
Currently I have 107% in the profiler for overall and 0 on the other two. 360degree rotation
I tried your logitech Damper Effect settings along with your Whatever you do don't crash Mod, as soon as I went over the first jump in Finland it broke something at the front when I landed, couldn't get more than 50mph in fourth, so disabled Mod then was much better the FFB with your WYDDC Mod is quite good. Was using LAR555's up till then.
Guess what I'm asking is which one should I go with, can't use them all.
I have a G27
Hope this makes sense, Cheers