I sthere a way back to RF2 v1132?

Yesterday I did the blocked pitlane test with Dallara IR18s at Road America with the current release build. The AI cars slowed down and drove around me.

I find the aggression seems whacked with this build. It doesn't seem to have much affect until you turn it way down - like less than 10 or even 5. When you crank it down the lowest settings, the AI seems much more aware of you. Higher settings and they smash right into the back of you.

Also, no matter the aggression setting, they will never-ever back out of a corner once any part of their car is along side you, or even behind you, if they are taking the inside line. They seem to commit to the inside line and steam in, if they close enough.They cannot tell that two into one doesn't work, so it's on you to always be aware of how close they are and give room if they have got the inside line (apparently they all attended Max's driving school).

And their outlaps and inlaps seem to be done at maximum speed and aggression, so stay way off the driving line even on outlaps.
I have always used low aggression settings (5 - 10) because I only really drive the slower open wheel cars (Skip Barber, Formula Vee, ect). I do want to try v1132 though because the tinkerer in me won't rest until I do. :roflmao:

I think I will make a backup of my current "user data" folder before I roll back though, just for peace of mind if something goes wrong and I want to switch back to current release. It will give me something to do over the weekend..experimenting!! :)
I use an old app called FastCopy to switch between user profiles for BTCC and Indycar. Saves having to constantly adjust stuff every time I switch between the two series.

For instance: with Indycar I get the best results with a very low aggression. But with BTCC, the cars feel more realistic with higher aggression, and the cars can handle a lot more rubbing and bumping. Also, with BTCC I have it set for a 2 race weekend (and then a third race with random grid).
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So I gave this a try today and I gotta say, there is a difference. Did a bunch of races with the Skip Barbers, some with the F3 Eves and some with the USF2000's and I had a blast! Some real close, wheel to wheel racing and I didn't get punted of the track once!
As always aggression was set to 10 and strength around 90-95 depending on the car and it was great.
An added bonus is that Competition System thing is disabled and I am fine with that.

Thank you @Manfredk2 for the suggestion and mentioning it to the devs. I am locking this build in.
It depends TOTALLY on the CAR and TRACK combo and their individual adjustments ? lol sorry

F3 Eve I use 120% + 100% Aggression + 0% AI lag

Some others could be anywhere from as low as 90% + 25% + AI lag
Unless individual content is patched is only thing you can do.

Problem is you dumb down the best dynamic AI with real-time calculations, they not clones as in other sim engines.

You lower things to much you put all that on it's head and very boring racing for mine.

The other thing people never seem to use is fuel like if you use light fuel load thinking it helps it doesn't it just makes troubled AI even worse because they will lock brakes and slide more.
With a full tank they are much more placid turn 1.

You can then play with fuel usage X to get individual cars in a good pit window and keep more fuel in cars.
Well, since the only thing I changed was the rF2 version (v1132), and I left all other settings the same as always, and I had more fun than I have had with rF2 in months...I'm going to say this version is better for racing with the AI. Didn't get punted off the track? Had fun racing? Yeah, I like it.

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