Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update

Tracks Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update 4.2

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Hi Guys

@Sascha Guenther & @asehauDLM

I have a bit of time this weekend to see if one can try add some updates. I'm still not sure how one could update some of these banners as there just isn't enough textures to do so.

One can add the Rolex banner to the main straight but you soon run into a problem as one would have to mix match banners on the pit building which I'm still not sure about as F1 does not mix banners with the exception of the Pirelli/Pzero banners.

You will never find two different type banners of different brands next to each other repeating them selves, this is just something F1 does not do which make sense from a marketing point.

Let me know what you guys think, any ideas are welcome.

I consider this to be a community track as are all my updates, so any positive feedback will make the update if possible.

Thanks guys, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the race.
Last edited:
ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Rolex main sponsor added with more new textures and fixes

Hi Guys

Have decided to include two skin packs, both are identical with the updates, only the main straight and the pit building sponsors are different.

CF1_Rolex skins has the Rolex logo along the main straight.

CF1_Hungoring skins has the Pirelli logo along the main straight.


***You have to have the track installed before you can use my update***

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Rolex main sponsor added with more new textures and fixes

Hi Guys

Have decided to include two skin packs, both are identical with the updates, only the main straight and the pit building sponsors are different.

CF1_Rolex skins has the Rolex logo along the main straight.

CF1_Hungoring skins has the Pirelli logo along the main straight.


***You have to have the track installed before you can use my update***

Content Manager...

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Rolex main sponsor added with more new textures and fixes

Hi Guys

My apologies for the re-upload, the Rolex skin pack has additional banners which I forgot to include and the ui.track.json file thanks to @chas1723 .

Have decided to include two skin packs, both are identical with the updates, only the main straight and the pit building sponsors are different.

CF1_Rolex skins has the Rolex logo along the main straight.

CF1_Hungoring skins has the Pirelli logo along the main straight...

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Several fixes and some more new textures

Hi Guys

There was a few things that I noticed during qualifying that I did not pick up on during the practice sessions.

Also found away to redesign the BWT logo so that it doesn't cut off at the pit entry.

Wasn't able to add the Workday logos (bad mapping) a long the inside of the pits but I did add the blue detail.

Small detail, I did notice a blue FIA rig with white logos, hopefully I got it right because I only saw it once :)

The Rolex clock also has Rolex emblems and not a flat...

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Several fixes and some more new textures

Hi Guys

There was a few things that I noticed during qualifying that I did not pick up on during the practice sessions.

Also found away to redesign the BWT logo so that it doesn't cut off at the pit entry.

Wasn't able to add the Workday logos (bad mapping) a long the inside of the pits but I did add the blue detail.

Small detail, I did notice a blue FIA rig with white logos, hopefully I got it right because I only saw it once :)

The Rolex clock also has Rolex emblems and not a flat...

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Several fixes and some more new textures

Hi Guys

My apologies for these re-uploads, this one is a must, the wrong version of the tire bump texture was in the download which is a bit flat. New one is a lot better.

There was a few things that I noticed during qualifying that I did not pick up on during the practice sessions.

Also found away to redesign the BWT logo so that it doesn't cut off at the pit entry.

Wasn't able to add the Workday logos (bad mapping) a long the inside of the pits but I did add the blue detail.


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One thing about the ACU/Jim Lloyd version (and other versions) is bothering me for a long time... this closed upper part of the power pylons.

Could these be replaced by pylons that look like IRL:



Not sure if that can be done with a skin though ?
Where I can download Hungaroring updated by Jim Lloyd ? Thank you in Advance
Dunno why this is such a secret. Try Hungaroring 2020 in the full track list posted here:
ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Green carpet fix and new loading background jpeg's

Hi Guys

This should be the last update, even if banners do change slightly which I hope not, there probably will not be any changes as I have already tried so many different variations with the banners and these two skin packs are the best of both.

Considering the limitations one has with banner placement I would say that both versions look pretty decent. The version with the Rolex sponsor on the main straight does have all main sponsors on track which is bonus.

Last night was the first...

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ClimaxF1 updated Hungaroring Complete Track Texture Update with a new update entry:

Grandstand seats & F1/F1 Paddock Club Flags added

Hi Guys

Here is my final version for this track.

New grandstand seats and made the main grandstand blue and white.

Update details v3.8:

- Real grandstand seats added
- Main grandstand seats are blue and white now
- Added F1 and F1 Paddock Club flags

Update details v3.7:

- Reset tire marks on green carpet, no more gaps between textures
- Added new background loading pics

Update details v3.6:

- New green and blue tire walls again
- Reduced hue...

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