rF2 Historic F3 @ Ibarra - Thu 14 Jan 2021

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
I was getting ready for race 2 when I heard people rev up on the grid; I had missed the countdown and the UI said no :D
Aw, I may see if I can extend the gap betwen races, so that we have time for4 a toilet breah etc. I'll look into it.
I did type in chat but sometimes people are... well taking a break.
A big thank you from me to everyone tonight for a brilliant race, it was a lot of fun, especially Denis for setting it all up and being tireless in answering questions!

I learned a lot about how rf2 works for races, the starts, qualifying, fueling, precision, rubbered in tracks ... so much to know. I messed a few things up but gained a lot of valuable know-how about how to drive closer to your potential. How right you were Denis - so different when you run with others in a race!

If I got in anyone's way - sincere apologies!
What a evening this was, enjoyed it to the fullest!!

Race 1 i had a bad start but was recovering relatively quickly.
Towards half of the race i closed in on @Ole Marius Myrvold and was able to witness his superb scandinavian driving skills.
What should i say, we had a blast till the end together, changing positions every second lap...it was just brilliant, respectful club racing at its best!!!

Race 2 was rather unspectacular in comparison to the first one. But fun nonetheless, happy about having just minor mistakes and beeing pretty consistent.

What a superb combo thanks to @Denis Betty

Can´t wait for next week and some sideways action in the communist rocket!!

Race 1:

Race 2:

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:D yeah like yours truly ... morning Denis ! Just wanted to ask which version of the Boarring ? There are 3...
Change of plan. I don't like the lack of "road noise" on Botniaring. Tried a few tracks last night and decided on.... um..... it's an Aussie or Kiwi track. I'll post the event in a couple or I expect. Bear with.
Hello Daniel! Just a quick question : saw your brilliant videos above - does VR make a big difference ? or is it just an immersion thing?

Well, a big part is immersion I think.
What comes with immersion is maybe being even more unplugged from the world, this might help with focus.

On the other hand, seeing everything on real 3D helps with hitting the apex, at least for me.
Being able to look also into sharp turns is also very helpful to get the corner right...

In the end everybody has to decide for himself, some say they love VR others love racing on monitors. I don't wanna race on monitors anymore... But that's my taste.

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