high radiation from thrustmaster tx base

hi guys,
I started to get headaches when I play sim racing with my wheel so I checked the radiation and it showed a really high and super dangerous to human health so I stopped playing with the base for a while now after daily use and I searched all over the internet and fount nothing if somebody has the same problem or knows something about it i would love it if you could reply with some information
Check the emission levels at the same distance and position your head is from the source, not at the source and report back, please.

I thought people wore magnets as a health benefit. PROFIT: repackage into a pillow and sell to those people whom swear by the health benefits of magnets. I think it maybe a *vision/motion issue or your working for a competing company.

*As my age has increased I have noticed I am more susceptible to my environment, I sold my motion rig and VR gear awhile back due to this, I may explore VR again now that the refresh rates are better.

@Eric Rowland love The Outer Limits series
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Wtf did I just read...

My 2 cents that might actually make sense:
I had 2 ts-pc wheels and sent both back due to Coil Whine during cornering.
My csw 2.5 had coil whine when NOT cornering for the first 4 months before a motor firmware update introduced some "no-ffb ffb" (some static resistance when there's almost no ffb).

After that, it has been silent.

Maybe the people getting headaches don't really hear or can't pin point the noise but still get headaches from the high pitched sound?

The skin irritation probably comes from working the wheel or touching the face after using the wheel.
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Hey there! Sorry to hear about your health concerns while sim racing. Have you tried moving the wheel farther away from your head and checking the emission levels at that distance? It might be worth a try to see if that helps alleviate your headaches. Regarding magnets, they can be used for various purposes but I'm not sure if they would be effective in reducing radiation exposure. On another note, I recently discovered an EMF hat that might be worth checking out. It claims to reduce exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation from various sources. It could be helpful for those who are more sensitive to their environment. Just thought I'd share in case it might be of interest to you or others in the community.
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The amount of radiated energy dangerous is inverse to the frequency.
By that I mean as the frequency goes up, the safe exposure amount of electomagnetic energy goes down.
At the range you mentioned you have nothing to be concerned about.
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