Paul Jeffrey

We talk to Niels Heusinkveld and try out the soon to be released Heusinkveld Sim Pedals Sprint.

Catching up with Niels Heusinkveld at the recent very busy Sim Racing Expo over in Germany, we took the opportunity to quiz the man behind Heusinkveld Engineering about his newly announced Sim Pedals Sprint set of high end sim racing pedals. With Niels in a buoyant mood following what appeared to be a largely very positive reception to the new hardware, we took the opportunity to question him about the features and improvements of the new gear, learning plenty about how some dramatic software features and production improvements have moved the product range on from the already very impressive offerings of HE Engineering.

Not content with merely taking Niels at his word, we also couldn't quite resist the chance to get strapped into the cockpit and have a go ourselves, recording a short but sweet talk and drive segment as we give our first impressions based on the limited time we had with these brand new set of pedals.

Frankly, I was very impressed, although it is exceptionally hard to gather any serious kind of feel with something like a high end set of pedals with such a short period of time behind the wheel... not helped any by a crowd of people watching on, and a camera and microphone in my face!

However, with that said I'm going to be lucky enough to take receipt of a review set of these pedals in the very near future, so please consider this more of a taster video, with a much more in depth and detailed look at the HE Sim Pedals Sprint set to appear on our various social media channels in the near future. So stay tuned, get subscribed and watch out for some new footage in the (hopefully) coming weeks...

Heusinkveld Sim Pedals Sprint Talk n Drive.jpg

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If the pedal plate is the same as the GT1-Evo, then you'll have some flex, because the slots in the pedal plate are quite large.
I ended op getting the HE pedal plate, which still seems to cause some flex in the rig's plate under heavy braking, but I would advise getting it, because it feels much less likely the large slots will get deformed over time.
I'm not at all bothered by the amount of flex though...

it isn't the same, it's supposed to be stronger to be able to handle stronger pedals but I don't know how strong it could handle that's why I asked.
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nice, do you think the position of the pedals is not natural on your rig or is it good? in other words, would you benefit from getting a pedal baseplate with a slider or no need?

I added pics to my previous post.

I do not feel I am missing anything. Yes I do not have quick adjustment options, but once my position was dialed in, why would I change it ? Other than visitors trying the sim, I do not see why I would change the pedal position. I pretty satisfied with my current setup and NO $$$. I basically just put the P1-x pedal tray to the highest position, pretty happy with the result.
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I added pics to my previous post.

I do not feel I am missing anything. Yes I do not have quick adjustment options, but once my position was dialed in, why would I change it ? Other than visitors trying the sim, I do not see why I would change the pedal position. I pretty satisfied with my current setup and NO $$$. I basically just put the P1-x pedal tray to the highest position, pretty happy with the result.

really appreciate your help. will order mine soon. thanks again.
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With the P1-X you'll be mounting straight to aluminium profile. this means you can basically always mount our products, as you're not limited by a baseplate with pre-drilled holes. It's also definitely strong enough.
A reason to still order the baseplate is for the heelplate.
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@Enzo Fazzi I noticed there is a newly released version of the Smart Control software.

Are there any special installation instructions we need to follow in order not to lose any of our existing profiles?
Nope. :)
You don't really install SmartControl, as it doesn't make any changes to Windows, you simply run the .exe. All SmartControl does is communicate with the USB-controller. Your profiles will still be the same .xml files, wherever you've stored them. :)
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That's great. Thank you for the super fast reply, Enzo :)
Very simple to use and save the profiles takes less than a few minutes,
Best thing I ever had these sprint pedals can not recommend them enough,
I’ll keep mine until I leave this place for sure there perfection. :D
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Very simple to use and save the profiles takes less than a few minutes,
Best thing I ever had these sprint pedals can not recommend them enough,
I’ll keep mine until I leave this place for sure there perfection. :D

Never say that, HE has to have goals beyond them :)

As much as I like my Sprints, I have come into agreement with others earlier in this thread who suggested that there should be additional pedal face options. There is not enough curve in the pedals for many mounting positions. I think the pedal faces should have at least 3 plates per pedal with different curvatures.

Depending on how your pedals are mounted and the size of your feet, some configurations cause issues. For example before I inverted my Sprints, I couldn't use the throttle without my heel dragging on my foot plate. With my Fanatec CS 3.0's I used the curved pedal faces and I had no issues like this. This won't affect everyone the same way, but it did me and I ended up spending quite a bit of time and some money to invert my pedals and experiment to get the pedals to feel right. The clutch felt good upright and I still haven't gotten it where I'm happy inverted, but my throttle is much better and I don't use my clutch that often.
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Never say that, HE has to have goals beyond them :)

As much as I like my Sprints, I have come into agreement with others earlier in this thread who suggested that there should be additional pedal face options. There is not enough curve in the pedals for many mounting positions. I think the pedal faces should have at least 3 plates per pedal with different curvatures.

Depending on how your pedals are mounted and the size of your feet, some configurations cause issues. For example before I inverted my Sprints, I couldn't use the throttle without my heel dragging on my foot plate. With my Fanatec CS 3.0's I used the curved pedal faces and I had no issues like this. This won't affect everyone the same way, but it did me and I ended up spending quite a bit of time and some money to invert my pedals and experiment to get the pedals to feel right. The clutch felt good upright and I still haven't gotten it where I'm happy inverted, but my throttle is much better and I don't use my clutch that often.
I got the 3 set with the pedal plate, but only use 2 because of my seat,
was funny when I got them was too excited so built everything and was sat admiring it,
then moved it to my rig and noticed my seat as the post in the middle so with 3 pedals was useless so had to take it all apart and position it all again, My feet are 11 they feel just about right, the throttle feels a little more comfortable than the brake maybe its just because its slightly lower down than the brake pedal so to speak,
all I do with the brake is just rest my foot there when I am actually braking I am really pushing down hard, but its only at 45kg currently I think when I checked with the current config its around 15-65kg, 45kg feels about perfect I did try it higher once but my ancle wouldnt last too long at 65 lol feel it tearing :D
I am sure you could switch them out for something more exotic though I imagine the pedals no the plates ?

I like my heel resting on that pedal plate maybe I am lazy lol
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I got the 3 set with the pedal plate, but only use 2 because of my seat,
was funny when I got them was too excited so built everything and was sat admiring it,
then moved it to my rig and noticed my seat as the post in the middle so with 3 pedals was useless so had to take it all apart and position it all again, My feet are 11 they feel just about right, the throttle feels a little more comfortable than the brake maybe its just because its slightly lower down than the brake pedal so to speak,
all I do with the brake is just rest my foot there when I am actually braking I am really pushing down hard, but its only at 45kg currently I think when I checked with the current config its around 15-65kg, 45kg feels about perfect I did try it higher once but my ancle wouldnt last too long at 65 lol feel it tearing :D
I am sure you could switch them out for something more exotic though I imagine the pedals no the plates ?

I like my heel resting on that pedal plate maybe I am lazy lol

I don’t exactly have the strongest legs or ankles in the world and I don’t have an issue with using the brake at 65KG for a while, you say your ankle wouldn’t last long and feel like tearing but you shouldn’t be just rotating your foot to press the brake like you do on the throttle, in fact your foot should hardly rotate at all, you should be mostly putting your leg into it with the brake.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding your post but thought I’d check.
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Yes, your foot doesnt press the brake, you leg presses your brake and your foot is what makes contact.

I certainly understand people coming from something like a logitech potentiometer pedal where the fine control comes from using your foot and ankle but you wont get the most out of these pedals doing it that way.
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Yes, your foot doesnt press the brake, you leg presses your brake and your foot is what makes contact.

I certainly understand people coming from something like a logitech potentiometer pedal where the fine control comes from using your foot and ankle but you wont get the most out of these pedals doing it that way.

Interesting thoughts. I am exactly that person who came directly from a G29 to the Sprints and struggle to get out of old, worn in habits.

I only use the swivel of my ankle to press the brake and currently have the max pressure set to 25kg. I know I'm not getting the most out of them this way but it's so hard to retrain my old brain!
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I personally use a combination of both, depending on how heavy I've set the brake.
Most force is of course applied with your leg, but the more precise changes in force is done with your ankle.

In the F1 example at the end of the video, I'm only using my leg, but that's because the brake is set to 120KG, which is not something I do all that often. :D
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I'm running about 50 kg right now, but I've got the cushions set so that I get 25% braking for trail braking with my ankle alone and then push with my leg beyond that.

This is all geometry and lever arms. If you have your brakes floor mounted and raise the foot plate your foot presses higher on the brake pedal and you get more mechanical advantage.

With my inverted pedals, I have the pedal faces extended to their maximum height. I have size 10 feet and the ball of my left foot is centered on the brake pedal. The bottom of the throttle reaches the arch of my right foot but is angled more. It took some experimentation to get it to feel right.
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I am having an issue where my brake pedal of my Sprints is not working. I have reached out to HE and Demon Tweeks (seller) as well, but no reply yet. Thought I would post a vid in case someone else has experienced this and knows an easy fix. The brake is just not registering a signal, but the clutch and throttle which run through the same board are working. I was in the practice session for Sunday morning's RD race at Spa, everything was working fine until I noticed my braking distance was off at the chicane and went into the run off, then way off at La Source and then by the end of the Kemmel straight is was head on into the barrier with no brakes at all. Upon going into the HE calibration software, the brake flashed a green bar a couple of times at max pressure, but now no signal at all.

The creaking sound that is heard in the vid when pressing the brake was lessened with some lube. I wear a headset so never noticed it, but I don't think is related to the issue.

Hopefully someone has first hand knowledge on how to remedy or maybe Enzo will see this post. I'm sure they are plowing through tons of email inquiries and will get to me, but maybe it's an easy fix and I can get some community help.

**UPDATE: Was contacted by HE this morning (4/28) and they are sending a new brake pedal - Outstanding! I did send a follow-up email to see if there was something I could do in use, set-up or maintenance to have avoided the issue. If they find time in their inundated state to answer and there is a value to others I will share here. Could just be a bad apple in which case outstanding customer service - as already evidenced - is the only remedy.

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**UPDATE: Was contacted by HE this morning (4/28) and they are sending a new brake pedal - Outstanding! I did send a follow-up email to see if there was something I could do in use, set-up or maintenance to have avoided the issue. If they find time in their inundated state to answer and there is a value to others I will share here. Could just be a bad apple in which case outstanding customer service - as already evidenced - is the only remedy.

That's Heusinkveld!
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