HELP! Bodnar SimSteering V2 Degrees of Rotation Matching Virtual Car Problems

Paul Jeffrey

Hello folks,

EDIT: Found the solution, which can be seen in THIS POST. Enjoy!

I'm after a bit of help if any knowledgeable souls are willing to feed into this conversation please..?

I've recently picked up a used Leo Bodnar SimSteering V2 direct drive wheel (which is an awesome piece of kit btw), and I'm just in the process of getting it configured for the various sims.

Regarding AC, I'm struggling to find and set the correct settings to get my real wheel degrees of rotation to match that of the in game car wheel.

What I'd like to know is if anyone could tell me what I set my bodnar wheel range at, and what I have to set within the software please?

I find if I set it to 1180 in sim and wheel (the maximum the sim seems to let me apply - although the wheel goes as far as 1440), this kinda matches the in sim range up to a point but not 100%, nor for the full rotation of the virtual wheel.

So, if anyone can advise please I'd appreciate it. Oh, while we are at it - if you've any settings over and above the degrees of rotation, that would be great too - thanks!

Many thanks

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So the current value that you SET is 1180°, the value that simsteering is reporting would be 1440° (720° each side) and what windows actually sees is 450°?
That's pretty confusing...
Does wheelcheck actually show beyond 450° or is the last bit of turning your wheel stuck at 450°?
So if you turn the wheel to the maximum and then a tiny bit back, is wheelcheck going down to 449° or staying there for a while?

From my view, we should now forget about wheelcheck and go with 1180° SET = 1440° ACTUAL VALUE.
Since 900° according to wheelcheck doesn't make sense...

Anyway, you tell us simsteering is showing a value?
You mean this:?

Then we could've spared you the wheelcheck stuff and simply read the value from this...
When you turn the wheel into full lock, what value is shown by simsteering? 1440°?
View attachment 306658

The wheel moved back slightly, so yeah, the figure is 720 which is 2 full rotations from centre
Then now set 1180° in Assetto, Scale back to 1.0 (100%) and now the crucial part:
Go back and forth with your wheel while looking at simsteering software and lower the 1180° there until the value you just showed us goes from 720° down to 590°.
Now your wheel is ACTUALLY set to 1180° and every game that will be set to 1180° will by synced :)
1180 in AC, 1180 in Simsteering. 590 as desired in simsteering degrees when on 2 full turns. AC in game, still no match! WTF
This doesn't make sense. You didn't change anything in simsteering and the "current position" value just magically went from 720° to 590°?!

Before my last post you said full lock showed 720° when you set simsteering to 1180°.

So I told you to keep the wheel at full lock and lower the 1180° in simsteering until the full lock would come down to 590° instead of 720°.

From a quick calculation simsteering says 1180° when actually being 1440°.

So actually being 1180° would require simsteering to be set to 966°.

Try to set simsteering to 966° but Assetto to 1180° and report back.
Yeah you forgot to tell me that you've set simsteering to 1440 instead of the 1180 you had at the beginning :p
Or well, I didn't see it...

So back to wheelcheck then as that shows the value that AC actually receives.

Put your wheel one full turn to one side so Assetto SHOULD see 360°.
Wheelcheck hopefully shows something else right now with ss at 1180°?

If so, adjust simsteering until wheelcheck shows the correct 360°.
Screw it dude, I've had enough tonight I'm gonna go do a couple of laps in rF2 (which actually works), then go have a drink and watch the BTCC!

Thanks for your help though man, really, really appreciate it!

I'll go hit a Kunos dev when we fly to Paul Ricard at months end..
SS at 1180 WC at 225.85

SS at 1150 WC at 359...

AC.... still exactly the same!! Lol
Now it's becoming ridiculous :O_o:
I would simply do it manually. Go into AC with AC at 1180°, scale at 1.0 and then lower the simsteering degrees until it's synced.
Should work in real time!

Btw rF2 works because it reads out the actual value and adjusts the setting internally.
Since we know that simsteering simply puts out a wrong value, I would really recommend to not longer bother with calculations and blah. You never need the last few degrees apart from truck games.
Go into ac, adjust simsteering until it's synced, done. :)
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Ok guys, firstly I want to offer my sincere thanks for the help and advice here - really appreciate it!

Now to tell you how it was fixed... :)

Apparently it looks like whenever one changes a wheel angle setting in SimSteering controller, you must then recalibrate your wheel in the control panel / devices & printers / steering wheel page - otherwise the wheel will think it has a maximum range that matches whatever the last wheel angle setting was at. This is why it didn't sync up together.

So for example in AC I have it set to 1180 in SimSteering controller (the max default AC setting), but in rF2 I have it at 1440.

If I load up the AC preset, I must then recalibrate as mentioned above and it will work in AC perfectly. However, if I then change the wheel angle setting in SimSteering for any reason, or load a profile with a different wheel angle, I must then recalibrate the wheel for it to work correctly.

If anyone wants further reference, this is the thread on the AC forum -

A bit of a faff, but a very small price to pay for the benefits provided by the wheel, so I'm a happy boy.

Again, thank you everyone for your help - appreciated massively.

Hope this thread can help others who have the same issue in future.



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