Have Your Say: Your First Racing Game

Have Your Say - Tell Us Your First Racing Game.jpg

Everyone remembers their first love, and racing games are no different. With such a wealth of content on offer today, can you cast your mind back and remember the very first?

No doubt about it, "sim racing" has advanced practically beyond imagination since those tentative first days of Pole Position back in the early 1980's. With highly polished graphics, detailed physics, multi car grids, online racing and all the other bells and whistles of modern gaming, a sim racer today is spoilt for choice when it comes to the wonderful pastime of driving digital racing cars.

So for our question today I ask, which game (on what platform) was your very fist foray into the world of racing?

Have fun reminiscing and enjoy the weekend!
On coin op it was Super Sprint

At home it was Pole Position on atari 2600

First racing game i played at home with a wheel (before i always used joysticks or joypads) were GT3 on PS2 and F1 racing Championship on PC and my first wheel was this Wingman FFB Wheel from Logitech and i kept this until i changed to a G27
First sim experience was around 1979 with an arcade machine called "Datsun 280 Zzzap" in the Venus Café on Birmingham's Lozells Road. When I say "sim experience", well, it had a wheel and a gas pedal and that was enough to get this ten year old excited. Not much has changed really...

After that it was Psion's Chequered Flag on the ZX Spectrum, 1982-83ish.

Edit: Actually does Matcbox's "Steer 'N' Go" count?
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WOW!!!! Amazing, i totally forgot that one!

Then THIS was my first RaceSim. :laugh:
Such good memories, unbelievable!
Thank you very much for bringing this back to me and that you've found this.

1st racing toy I ever had , and 1st one I always thinking about , it broke after like 2 months or something and my mum swapped it for some legos I was gutted , still feel the pain :( that was around 30 years back lol
First ever racing game was these playing cards :p

Although I see people posting various games I've never heard of so here is one game maybe some people do remember. Not that old game.
My first serious racing game I remember was EA's Ferrari Formula One for the Commodore Amiga back in the late 1980's I believe 1988? It was a pain in the arse driving with the mouse but I spent hours upon hours playing. Also, I remember this game had injuries as well!..If you crashed the car, you would be in hospital for months depending on the injury... There were no death in game however.

Mine was the Matchbox Steer n Go. Must have been in the early 70s


Had changeable layouts. The gearshift changed the speed of rotation.

I see Newproto posted the Russian version :)

First computer "Sim" was Revs of the Commodore 64 although I also played the hell out of Accolades Grand Prix Circuit. These were the days when 8 fps was amazing :D
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