Have Your Say: How Can Formula One Improve Fan Interaction?

WEC has a subscription on a per year basis. Motor Trend has subscription to live and archived content for many series. Fi can go in that direction but it will require existing contracts to end with the TV companies or to be re-negotiated. I think the leveling out of money from the FIA is required but I fear Ferrari will bolt if that happens which will be a set back.
Some great ideas and some that would be great but are impossible given the corporate tie-in with F!. How about contests at each circuit. Everything from free tickets (not general admission) to team member for a day or weekend. You would get to sit in on driver briefings, stand in the garage during the race, qualifying, etc. (for real die hard F1 fans). Sponsors offering a corporate seat in their club seating with food and drinks....in short make those of us that have supported F1 for a lifetime not the exclusive domain of billion dollar companies and their spoiled and often disinterested guests that are there more for a photo op than to really appreciate the sport. I'm done with watching these guests sitting in the paddock club drinking champagne and not even watching or caring who watches the race.
Perhaps they can do "Fan Boost" like Formula E, the winning driver gets 20 seconds of nitrous oxide per race?
Not sure about F1 but I would for sure want to ..interact with that sweety from pic one. :x3: Oh Daniel... if you at least didn't get her number you are without any doubts one sad loser.
I'm not sure whether some of you read the topic or not. This is not about improving the racing but about improving the fan interaction.
How to improve any motosport coverage?
by not cutting away from on track action to celebs, fans, or the garages,
I swear i've seen Dilbagh Gill 20 times in the last 30mins just watching Formula E atm.
make it L-O-U-D-E-R!!!!
Not the volume matters but the quality of the sound (which severely lacking since 2014).

I actually commend the lower volume introduced with the turbo engines - one can actually walk the F1 track all day long without getting your ear drums blasted - but the quality of the modern F1 sound - meehh.

I wish for V12 engines to return but they likely never will as technology has marched on :-(
They sound better at lower revs listen to the Honda and Renault when they downshift engine note is alot better.
I think we all miss the coke can ruttle of the 90's though.
Free online livestream and recording afterward, 1080p24 minimum. At best make selection of cameras available to the viewer allowing them to decide what they want to watch, helicam, drivercam, bumpercam, cornercam, ...

And get rid of the ads that ruin the whole experience of watching F1 on any so far available medium. There are ads everywhere in the footage you don't need another overlays or whole sections that are nothing but ads. Oh well... the power of money spent on advertising, they will always get it everywhere and ruin everything.
I disagree with the content being free.
There are currently pay to view options that are almost entirely free of additional advertisement (be honest F1 itself is marketed so much there is barely any second of F1 consuming without adverts).

The Chinese pay-TV subscription for online streaming of sports content I am currently using actually does stream the main F1 events entirely without additonal advertising, allows for different sound channels (I watch the bare sound channel without commentary and overlay that with BBC commentary), it offers several camera options and is VERY affordable (you pay something around 30-50 USD/a and get all major sports events ie. WEC, F1, WRC, and all the other sports I have no interst in like ball sports, etc ...).

Services like this work beautifully and should be available world wide.
I would hope the F1 subscription (allowing to use their app content live at the races) would extend into having access to watch all races on archive - there is this massive archive of F1 content laying dormant entirely untouchable by the fans.

THAT is wrong in my opinion.

Good content does cost money to produce and it is only fair to ask a price for that.
Not sure about F1 but I would for sure want to ..interact with that sweety from pic one. :x3: Oh Daniel... if you at least didn't get her number you are without any doubts one sad loser.
No "fanboost"! It would go in-line with the very unpopular KERS and DRS. That would really take away the last pieces of driverskill.

It always amazes me how sarcasm is lost on the internet :roflmao:
Possibly not a popular view but .... I dont give a flying fig about fan interaction. Let drivers drive, engineers develop and team principles politic to their hearts content and I'll just watch then do it as i have for over 40 years. Seriously keep fans well away from the running of F1 , have you seen F1 fan forums ? Shudder.

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