Maserati pls
Haven't had chance to try them yet, but I'm going to pick the Maserati and hope for the bestAnyway for those who don't know which car to choose: the maserati is way easier to control, the only cons is that you don't have abs. Porsche is faster on the straights but way slower anywhere else. I think this cars will have similar pace at the nurburgring.
Sign me up please, I will let you know which car after I've done some driving with both
Maserati pls
sign me up please. Porsche of course
Added!I'll try something different for a change.
Porsche GT4
Sign me up please! I'll give both cars a test spin this evening and let you know which I'd prefer
Sign me up with the Porsche pls Love this combo
I'll give this a go, I'll pick blind and go for the Maserati. Haven't raced for a couple of weeks, starting to miss it.
The server will be up later tonight. Weather Mid clear at 18 degrees.I don't see the server at the moment, anyone know what the air and track temps will be?
Nice, added!In w/ usual !
Added!Cayman for me, please