AC GT3 @ Ottawa Motorsport Park - Sunday 16th October 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event


Club Staff
Welcome to the RD Assetto Corsa Racing Club. This Sunday we're heading to Ottawa Motorsports Park, for some GT3 racing!!

Join us!

This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in!
If you need any help don't hesitate to ask on discord before the race, or right here on the forum! We are always happy to help.

All premium members using their full real name in the forum, in game and discord can sign up for this event.

Link to the RD community on S.GP is here. You need to sign-up and join to access our race servers.

Need a warm-up or want to start online/multiclass racing at a gentler pace? There is an MX-5 +1 multi-class every Wednesday. We also run a practice server all week for both events.


An excellent track build by @Thrashy has turned real countryside, in Kansas USA, into a massive racing complex.

Found it!


  • Practice Server: #12 (Available throughout the race week)
  • Race server: - Frankfurt
  • 20:00 CEST, 19:00 DST, 18:00 UTC | 1 hour 20 minutes - Official Practice
  • 21:20 CEST, 20:20 DST, 19:20 UTC) | 20 minutes - Qualification
  • 21:40 CEST, 20:40 DST, 19:40 UTC) | 60 minutes - Race


DLC is required for this event

Event details:
  • Track: Ottawa, Kansas, USA
  • Pit stop: Mandatory (Between 10 and 50 minutes)
  • Track Temps: 20C air/26C track
  • Track Condition: Clear, Improving grip, Light wind
  • Damage: 10%
  • Assists: Factory
  • Standing Start: Jump Start = Drive through penalty
  • SGP unranked event
  • Further event info on SGP

Useful Links:

Sign up/Entry list:

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A message to all Drivers

If you run off track, you must check to see that its clear before you re enter the track. Always try to re-enter the track parallel to the racing line. Stay off the racing line until you are up to race speed and do not block any fast approaching car.

When joining the track from the pits, remain inside the white line and stay off the racing line until you are up to speed.

During qualification, do not race on your out lap, let other drivers by.

Golden Rule
  1. If you hit somebody, sending them off the track and carry on like nothing happened, you take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Instead, you should always wait for the affected drivers, and that way you can be 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
Note: Please use your full real name in Discord. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium member.
Great choice of track, Brian.
Looks like a good track for the 911 because I think all other cars will use mediums for the front tyres. So that eliminates the disadvantage of the Porsche.

Did some practice tonight because I'm away until Sunday night and this was my only chance to learn the track and get a setup for it.
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Great choice of track, Brian.
Looks like a good track for the 911 because I think all other cars will use mediums for the front tyres. So that eliminates the disadvantage of the Porsche.

Did some practice tonight because I'm away until Sunday night and this was my only chance to learn the track and get a setup for it.

It's an interesting lap around here! The child of calabogie and portimao.

I like the idea of producing a sim racing track on a real site. Flipping things on the head, maybe they could end up as real world tracks in future.
So that was a race to enjoy but forget as well for me :)

Forgot to press the race button so started from the pits with a penalty, managed to catch up to some traffic but span myself out after having to brake hard to avoid someone else spinning. Then, come pitstop I apparently had selected option 2, do nothing. So I went back and forth and back and forth trying to do something. Eventually managed to get it to work, but at that point I was just trying to catch up. Eventually managed to pass Brian twice and gain a spot, though that was because he got stuck.

Other then that, the 911 with mediums on this track is perfect! Lets do it every week! ;)
The whole race was an inevitability, ended better than I deserved, but got where I got, totally and with or without a pit stop. So very satisfied, but I will not mark this as my favourite track. With a bit of luck we will not return.


PS, almost forgot to give a big well done to the podiums.
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Great race!
A roller coaster of emotions for me. Dropped from two to four at the start. Then the gap started to widen. At some point the distances stayed the same. I wanted to see how the tires would develop and then decided to change them. But forgot to set this. When I noticed that in the pits I almost wanted to stop out of annoyance with myself. I thought it couldn't get any worse, I'll drive on, let's see what happens. Then came 25 very exciting minutes with the constant view of the time intervals, which were getting shorter and shorter.

Great track by the way. :thumbsup:
Great racing everyone.

Good close battles at the start with Richard and Brian. Closest racing I've ever had that far up the order. Waited for a mistake from Richard all race that never came :thumbsup:

Congrats on the win Hank. I almost messed up a couple turns midway through trying to figure out how you were behind me last I saw, then pitted, then you were 15s ahead :O_o::laugh: . Set a person best towards the last couple laps trying to chase you and Richard down. With another lap or two the McLaren bros might have closed the gap :D

Interesting track. Really tests your patience on when to get on the gas, but rewards you when you get it right. Good choice Brian. I hope I can bring what I learned to the next race :geek:

See you all next week for the last gt3 champ round
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Great track find Brian, I really liked it

Knew it was going to be a really close battle with Hank after the 0.003 gap in quali but didn't expect him to run one set of tyres (and neither did he by the sounds of it!).

Opening stint was a really tight battle with Brian and Robert tag teaming to keep the pressure on me!

After my mid lap stop for tyres I came out in fourth behind three none stoppers so thought I was in decent shape until Hank flew in and out of the pits a couple of laps later, way too quickly for my liking! Obviously no tyre change!

Then started the exciting 25 minute chase Hank mentioned! Obviously Hank tyres were soon pretty shot as the gap started tumbling and I was pushing as hard and consistently as I could for the whole time, as was Robert still only a few seconds behind me (I saw that fastest lap of the race pop up Robert with about 3 or 4 to go and was mighty relieved there wasn't more laps to go while also wishing I had an extra couple to catch Hank!). Certainly taking the flag a mere 1.7s behind Hank made me think, damn just one more lap!! But of course it's always easy to think that!

Respect to Hank for being able to eak it home on that one set for the win and for everyone else for great clean racing especially Robert with third and fastest lap.
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A very enjoyable 45 minutes battling with Hank, Robert and Richard.
On the fresh tyres the Ferrari seemed a touch faster than the mclarens but when the understeer kicked in, the balance swung the other way.

About 45 minutes in I went trying to find some more speed and touched the grass on the outside of T4, at well over 200km/hr. Didn't end well. :confused: Car got stuck the wall/track and I had exit to pits... Should maybe have tried to defend against robert for a P3 instead of pushing to catch Richard ahead! In hindsight :)

Great pace from the 3 podium guys :thumbsup: and congrats to Hank for the win.

Thanks to all for racing. See you at Spa!
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