This is something that has interested me of late, at the momoment I am under the opinion that the traction control in AC is very basic, one wheel starts to spin, cut engine.
That’s it.
You either have access to information or you don’t, people like myself are just usually stuck. Unable to wade though the software, assuming you can, don’t know anyone, just have to pick up bits of information that may arrive once in a blue moon.
assuming you can sort out the wheat from the chaff.
I am trying running diff power quite high at present, under the illusion, “probably”, that If I make both tyres spin the traction control will not want to activate.
Balancing it with TC limiter to give the right conditions so that stability out of the corner is reasonably maintained where necessary and I get full drive with no unwanted TC.
This is the rub, I am, and I have tried, to run with no traction control, to me this has to be the quickest, because of the statement I made earlier.
Just cannot, so like most I run traction control to help me to navigate my way safely around the circuit. To me that seems somewhat at odds with racing for its application
requirements, if you follow. If TC was attached to the cars roll angle to me that would make some sense, applying more when roll angle were high less as the car
starts to balance out.
What you described is perfectly normal for all the cars I have driven on this circuit ( GT3 ) the audi looks good in this respect, the GTR is terrible.
in my Nissan GT-R, I have gone to all lengths, and have been beaten, trying and eliminate the constant TC cutting in, in the places you mentioned.
its the out of corner application that are the time reducers, it will also do it on some straights.
that is a very long winded and probably pointless answer.
I don’t know.
PS, great lap.
All my laps at brands have that sort of feedback you described, to me it is just the way brands is.
Until I can find a solution.
I think a lot of this can be helped with damping, but when you think of a couple of laps each time, fine adjustments of bound, rebound, fast rebound and fast bound then adjustments to diff power with TC to find that solution and actually having a life.
All with out much previous information to go with it all and then it just may not technically be viable within AC.
It sort of makes running with no TC more of an attractive option.
if you get somewhere with this, let me know, likewise I will do the same,
This is at present my main focus.
You could send me your 650s setup and I will have a ponder, I am used to the 650S, quite often running it.