AC GT3 Championship Round 1 - Sunday 11th September 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event


Club Staff

Welcome to the RD Assetto Corsa Racing Club. This Sunday we're heading to the Watkins Glen, for Round 1 of the GT3 Championship.

Join us!

This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in!
If you need any help don't hesitate to ask on discord before the race, or right here on the forum! We are always happy to help.

All premium members using their full real name in the forum, in game and discord can sign up for this event.

Link to the RD community on S.GP is here. You need to sign-up and join to access our race servers.


  • Practice Server: #12 (Available throughout the race week)
  • 20:00 CEST, 19:00 DST, 18:00 UTC | 1 hour 20 minutes - Official Practice
  • 21:20 CEST, 20:20 DST, 19:20 UTC) | 20 minutes - Qualification
  • 21:40 CEST, 20:40 DST, 19:40 UTC) | 60 minutes - Race


DLC is required for this event

Event details:
  • Track: Watkins Glen, USA
  • Pit stop: Mandatory (Between 10 and 50 minutes)
  • Track Temps: 20C air/26C track
  • Track Condition: Clear, Improving grip, Light wind
  • Damage: 10%
  • Assists: Factory
  • Standing Start: Jump Start = Drive through penalty

Useful Links:

Sign up/Entry list:

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A message to all Drivers

RaceDepartment Club Racing Rules - Video Link

If you run off track, you must check to see that its clear before you re enter the track. Do not just keep the throttle pinned and pull back on track.
On re-entering the track stay off the racing line until you are up to race speed and do not block any fast approaching car.

Always try to re-enter the track parallel to the racing line.

When joining the track from the pits, remain inside the white line and stay off the racing line until you are up to speed.

During qualification, do not race on your out lap, let other drivers by.

Golden Rule
  1. If you hit somebody, sending them off the track and carry on like nothing happened, you take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Instead, you should always wait for the affected drivers, and that way you can be 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
Note: Please use your full real name in Discord. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium member.


A championship gives us the opportunity to deduct points or add time as a penalty. Below are the penalties for this championship. Please report incidents to the host. That will help to maintain the high standards of driving we are accustomed to in these events. For multiple unsafe actions within a single reported incident, the time penalties and point deductions are cumulative.

  • Golden Rule: if you break the Golden Rule, all points will be deducted from that event. Normal procedure via formal report and internal discussion within RD staff if there's an disagreement.
  • Unsafe overtake/defending or dive bomb: 5/10/30 second penalties for each case.
  • Track Limits: 5/10/30 second penalties for gaining an advantage outside of tracks limits.
  • Ignoring blue flag: 2 points taken off for each case.
  • Dangerous Driving: 2+ points may be also deducted for any unsafe actions causing an incident (e.g. unsafe rejoin/unsafe pit exit/swerving on the straight etc.)
  • All reported incidents and penalties to be judged by host (Brian) and co-host (Han) via the usual PM system. Gentlemanly actions, or otherwise, after an incident may effect the final penalty awarded.
Is something wrong with the practice server? I can't shift into gear and it says overtime even though the time is counting down normally.

Everything is all right again. I pressed restart session.
Learned something again. :thumbsup:
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Is something wrong with the practice server? I can't shift into gear and it says overtime even though the time is counting down normally.

Everything is all right again. I pressed restart session.
Learned something again. :thumbsup:

Thanks Hank. Ye they are set-up so anyone can call an election, to restart the server.

I've hard reset both 12 and 4 now so they should be good for a while!
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I had a blue screen towards the end of the race - I've been having VR tracking/bsod problems ever since I updated my bios/cpu upgrade. Until I solve the problem there is no point continuing with the championship.

Is there any chance someone can post a replay of the race - AC didn't save it. Thanks.

Congrats to the podium & all.
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@Interslice just to confirm race starts at 7.40pm? Eite time
I had a blue screen towards the end of the race - I've been having VR tracking/bsod problems ever since I updated my bios/cpu upgrade. Until I solve the problem there is no point continuing with the championship.

Is there any chance someone can post a replay of the race - AC didn't save it. Thanks.

Congrats to the podium & all.
What CPU Patrick. Having similar issues with a 5900x
Good run. I started with a strategy where I thought, oh god, where is this going to end? But somehow it worked. It's really not that easy for me. @Interslice, I hope everything was clean at our "meeting". I wanted to make a big turn on the outside so that nothing would happen, even if I hadn't overtaken. If I did something wrong please tell. I'm constantly learning.

As always, it was great fun. :thumbsup:
I had a blue screen towards the end of the race - I've been having VR tracking/bsod problems ever since I updated my bios/cpu upgrade. Until I solve the problem there is no point continuing with the championship.

Is there any chance someone can post a replay of the race - AC didn't save it. Thanks.

Congrats to the podium & all.

Ah that sucks Patrick. You were really flying in the glick tonight.
Maybe someone here can help you get sorted.

Good run. I started with a strategy where I thought, oh god, where is this going to end? But somehow it worked. It's really not that easy for me. @Interslice, I hope everything was clean at our "meeting". I wanted to make a big turn on the outside so that nothing would happen, even if I hadn't overtaken. If I did something wrong please tell. I'm constantly learning.

As always, it was great fun. :thumbsup:

Racing incident Hank I would say. It's a tricky corner. More my fault than anything, I caught some understeer.
Lot of luck, used Hank’s Lamborghini to tow me up the hill, so managed from that to stave off some determined competitors, mainly clad in the shape of 488 Ferrari’s and John in the McLaren.
After that it was pretty uneventful race, mainly staring at the tail end of Thomas McLaren and looking at Johns McLaren bonnet in my mirror, so I was in an McLaren sandwich for most of the race..:roflmao::roflmao:

Well done podiums, and all that raced tonight. Most enjoyable.:)
Thanks for organising @Interslice Brian, enjoyed that - forgot how edgy these cars are, felt rusty af. Question for you... do we stick with the same car for the whole championship or can we change?

Congrats to the podium guys :thumbsup: and commiserations @pattikins Patrick, stunning pace, hope your pc is fixed soon :thumbsup:

Last; pls can someone post the json file to and post the link here? Thanks in advance:) ...the lap time/split lap info is useful ;)
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mainly staring at the tail end of Thomas McLaren and looking at Johns McLaren bonnet in my mirror, so I was in an McLaren sandwich for most of the race..:roflmao::roflmao:
I was in a 488 Ernie, and wish I wasn't:roflmao: Loaded the wrong setup, but then it's too edgy for me compared to the macca. might try and re-learn it for the next one if we can change cars.

Congrats on a great race too! - saw the gap you got early on and tried to close it after getting by Hank, but no way:thumbsup:
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