AMS2 GT1s @ Jacarepagua - Tuesday 11 January 2022

Automobilista 2 Racing Club event
Well, that was a bit of a learning experience for me and for once I didn't have to leave the track in the process.

I think it's fair to say that the McLaren is the reason I stopped racing other sims for offline and switched almost exclusively to AMS2. I just found it so much fun around my favourite tracks and the AI seemed to behave well in the class, so when the event was organised I was so elated and re-arranged things so I could take part. Then I put in a bit of practice and it totally blew the wind out of my sails. I couldn't stop the damn thing spinning under braking and it just wanted to push on corner exit. I even ended up changing the setup, which is normally a big no-no for me as I tend to make it worse going anywhere near that screen. So, after reading Neal's comment, I decided to quickly try out the other two and found I could go around the track in the Porsche without much incident. I was a bit reluctant to change at such short notice, but figured I'd just use the race time to get acquainted with a new car. Holy hell what a difference. Way less skippity skip, gentle over-rotation on exit and whilst I was braking later than in the McLaren, the car was giving cues that I was actually too early. It's certainly taught me to spend a bit more time trying out other cars on unfamiliar tracks.

Thanks again for organising @Redvaliant!
Scott, youwere just damn quick and consistent. Infact, consistency was key to these cars being fast over the lap. I made a few errors trying to stay in touch with you, overshot turn 1 or hit the raised curbs with a bit of understeer etc. My favorite excuse though, is the dirty windscreen and the low sun! The latter part of the race in these conditions made seeing the corners really tough and my pace fell away. Great fun though, when these cars are in the groove they are so rewarding to drive.
Next week's combo is a change of pace.

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