Paul Glover
I talk lots
Well up for this one, classic track, sign me up please Paul!
Callum, you're on the list but I need you to add your full name to your RD profile. Cheers
Well up for this one, classic track, sign me up please Paul!
I’m in, if I’m still allowed to enter.
BTW why a 100% dry server?
I'm in!
Please sign me up !
Can I join please
Please sign me up
Silverstone - always, sign me in please
Oh, go on then!
In in this one as well
Because imo the weather system is broken, thunderstorms occur when they should not. Reading the official AC forums others are reporting the same, don't mind a little bit of rain like we had a Suzuka it made the race more challenging and fun. The Thunderstorms tend to ruin a race.
Well for whatever I raced hosted in many other official servers there is not such a "bug" since a very long time.
I would agree a race under thunderstorm should be suspended, but it's feasible to set up the server properly and have a much more realistic condition based on the geographic location.
We always wanted AC with wet and night and one year later we are still stuck in the same syndrome.
Maybe if we ask all paying members with a poll instead of dropping decisions from the top...