AC GT-4 @ Laguna Seca Wed Feb 27th 2019

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Yeah, I'll support this and add to the driver count if you guys don't mind :)
Think I'll take the Porsche, but maybe the Lotus would work out better. Hard to know before I do some laps and see some times from the other cars to compare things.

Anyways, was always a pleasure driving with the North American group when Bobby had this going.
Glad to see others pick up the torch and carry it on!

So, in with Porsche.
See y'all there :)
Well, it appears my ol' lady has given me the recent plague of the flu or some such. Was hoping it bypassed me, but alas it obviously didn't...feeling more :poop: by the minute and am going to have to bail. Thought I might ride it out, but I think some relaxation and early sleep is in order.

I'll make my first appearance at the first official race then.
Have fun :thumbsup:
Just wanted to thank all of you guys for tonight. It was a lot of fun with not too many glitches along the wayl, IMO.

Having last raced online only in GPL back in the day (late 90's, early 2000's), it's amazing how much more stable the connections are now (except for Scott tonite), and the overall experience/immersion is night and day compared to back then. (We can even talk clearly in realtime!)

Yeah - I guess that I'm dating myself - but I was really impressed! Great bunch of guys too.

Thanks again. Looking forward to seeing you guys regularly on the track! :D

yeah thanks guys - ping issue aside for first race it was a good second race. @demetri that was your win, I checked the replay and I should have seen you there and not turned in so sharply. Sorry about that :O_o:
Nah, I think I dive-bombed you there as I braked a tad too late. You were ahead and had all the rights for the apex. Sorry about that
We had 11 drivers last night and good clean racing.

Sadly due to the worst flooding and winter storm in decades my internet was not reliable so I did not get a good replay if either race. This is why it's good to have at least 2 event hosts and help from the long time members like @Dennis Phelan and @Bobby Pennington

When i get a break from work today I will post the thread for the next one and adjust the practice server to run practice only as per the feedback last night.

Thanks again for coming out and see yall next Wednesday for an official event and hopefully over the weekend in the social La Canyons server.
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I want to say a big "Thank You" to Scott and Alex for starting this back up for the US and running the event last night. It was my first time doing an online race and everyone was kind and helpful. It was nerve-racking for me because I didn't want to crash into other drivers or accidentally block them. The funny thing is when other drivers come up to me, I immediately started worrying what to do, ended up not paying attention to the road in front, and a couple of times ended up off the track :).

I know with some more races under the belt, I will get more comfortable and not worry as much.

Thanks again and looking forward to the next one!