AMS2 Group As @ Nurburgring GP, Tuesday 8th Febuary 2022

Automobilista 2 Racing Club event
Sorry for the confusion @Denis Betty - my wheel decided to hang just as I was beside you! I think I overdid it with the FFB settings on max in these cars as my wheel was baking hot. It's sitting on a plank of wood, so it's not ideal. I'm going to look at something that'll dissipate the heat a bit better
Sorry for leaving early @Redvaliant - once I got my wheel cooled it had put me in the pits and the 'drive' button was inactive so I figured I'd spend the time sorting my wheel out properly. Should be glitch free for the next one!

Thanks for the racing guys, was great.
Thanks for the racing guys, was great.

Thanks for hosting! Was an amazing AMS2 debut with the changing weather! I always feel like weather/rain is a bit underused :D Was fun sliding around, spinning the rears searching for grip, and almost losing it a couple of times towards the end of the wet.
Was also surprisingly hard to see clearly at times with the rain. Hopefully it all comes through on the stream :)
Good race, if uneventful. Pitted for wets from p4 with no one near me, came out of pits in p6 and got back to p4 by next lap and still finished race with no one around me. Would have been nice to have had some close racing.

I think with longer races, there should be a mandatory pitstop otherwise the x2 fuel consumption doesn't make any sense to me.

When I was hosting last year we did 2 x 20 min races so it meant if you had a bad race or had a VR or Internet issue you had the chance to make up for it so all your practice didn't go to waste. I prefer that format as 45 mins at my age without needing a piss is a challenge lol.
It's a work in progress regarding the server settings. I like the two sprint race format but there is an issue with the dedi server around the 2nd race and needing to do qualy again. I'll definitely be up for trying the sprint format at some stage. I think that longer races require a different mind set to the all-out-blast of sprints; there's room for both.
As to the x2 setting for fuel/tyres, this comes from another league where we ran the V12 over 45minutes at these settings to replicate a full 90 min GP. There, we needed to pit for fuel and tyres over the race as the wear was severe in the V12s. We could of course turn the wear to x3 which would force a pit stop in the slower cars, we'll see.
Think I figured out why my wheel was playing up. It wasn't the heat as I could repeat it whilst stone cold. I installed some new pedals just before the race and I couldn't get the USB cable to reach, so plugged it into the hub on my rig. Unfortunately, the hub was full, but the USB cable to my wheel was just long enough to reach the PC, so I plugged it directly in. I didn't check the slot though and it was USB3.0. Now put it into a standard 2.0 and things seem much better. It did highlight another issue too, which is that my new pedals (HE sprints) don't like being in the hub and sort of 'reboot' periodically, which explains why a few times I just felt like my brakes had failed and I nearly took out Steve near the end of the first lap. Fingers crossed my gremlins have been purged and note to self 'don't go buggering around with the rig just prior to a race' :D

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