Things are moving at Codemasters
I know this game is dead so I'm not expecting much help but I figured I'd make an attempt to get some help on an issue I'm having; it's small I'll admit.
I was wondering how do I get sponsors back on the helmets in Grid Autosports on the Steam PC version? Their just this boring blank black blop, and I really would like to figure out how I revert it back to the sponsored immersive helmets they had before in the console version. Also, please, don't tell me they don't have sponsors either, because the console version does in fact have sponsors on their helmets, and I've seen screenshots on Steam of people with their helmets sponsored. It really messes with the immersion for me, which is why I'm asking. I also received a link from another user on here that fixed the problem back in the day. However, that link is dead now and was REALLY hoping I could somehow find a fix for this issue. I also tried messaging those people I have seen on Steam with screenshots, but most only speak Russian and/or none of them have replied to me so I haven't received much luck.
I guess I was hoping it would be better here but I'm not expecting much since it's such a trivial issue I'm having with the game. Thanks!
Also that user I spoke off earlier was "baallzebub" and he said to me in that old post "I experienced the same thing... so the helmet from the grid earlier versions can fix this... here the file http://******/1Mhvs4B " (However, that file link is dead now sadly.)
the link in original post are fixed