AC Ginetta GT4 @ Sachsenring - Sunday 6th November 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Was ear wigging the conversation after the race, especially about the Nissan. The problem with this latest versions is it is totally unpredictable, unless you drive it in a specific way??
The old car you could dial out rear instability and gain front grip with toe, fast dampers and slow dampers and some final Tweeks with camber. Allowing you to attack the corners. The most important point is that even if you struggled to get the back stable on a particular corner, you could just adjust your approach and eliminate the problem.
This car is so unpredictable, every lap, any slight change in corner approach will send it into understeer oversteer killing speed and you into the bargain, next lap you do what appears to be exactly the same and it flies though the corner.
If it had ABS you could attack the corners with the brakes, allowing you to set it up for the corner., all that happens, at least for me, is a prolonged lock up sending you miles away from the corner. Come to think of it, the total unpredictable instability is the same with brake applications, which is probably what I see as well, the old car was not like this.
The dampers appear to do, well, not much at all.:mad:
I think the fast driver, basically nurse it into and out of corners, in a way that only quality drivers can do.
The Nissan has gone from one of my favourite cars to one of my least favourite.
It is a pile of sh*t


Feel better now I have got that of my chest.

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That was an enjoyable race. Great to get out in the Ginettas again. Really close battles throughout with Ernie, Richard and Carsten.

We all seperated out around 40 minutes with the pitstop. My pace improved a bit with the clean track and low fuel but it still wasn't enough to catch and pass Richard. I was a few seconds of the undercut..

I recorded my onboard for the race.

I was outside track limits for most of the race :( Strange one here where the inside half of the kerb doesn't have any vibration. Had me calibrated 2 wheel widths further out than I thought I was.

Thanks to all for racing and a big congrats to @Alfred Wayne for his first win. Great pace last night, on a tricky track!

See you all for the next one.
Was great fun this combo. Good result but had a lonely race which was a bit boring. But had to keep the pace as Ernie was putting pressure on me doing fast laptimes.
Great pace of Robert and Tim, could not do a high 1.24. Was pretty much on standard setup, don't know how much is to find on the setup.
Thx Brian again for organizing, cu all next time.
The track limits here are tight. That second sector really takes the 2 wheels inside the white line seriously

My first race with you all where it all came together :) Turns out my time at the back in the GT3s was just a learning experience :laugh: And there is a lot to learn from the drivers here :thumbsup: Had some good turns and heavy pressure from Tim early on, but a different pit strategy left me out on my own for a lot of the race which is harder for me to keep my pace then when chasing someone. Had a good pit stop too, just beating Thomas back out on the track. I think I'm saving all my mistakes for this tuesdays classic car championship race :roflmao:

@Kek700 I don't think I've ever driven the earlier version of the nissan so maybe that's helping me, not knowing a time where it might have been easier to handle . I did post my Thruxton setup in the BTCC thread if you want a go. It's quite stable if you get your line and speed right, but if you're just off a little, there's some wrangling to do to get things back in order... if you can :laugh:. Slow and early on the brakes, slow and early on the gas, don't coast if you can. Most of my issues with it came when I was following someone closely and their braking point was earlier than mine. Jammed on the brakes once too hard and saw my trunk out my side window :laugh:

Thanks for hosting Brian and everyone for racing. See you all next race
Thankyou @Alfred Wayne

Most of what I waffle on about is personal to me, if it encompasses others, all the better.
I just do not have the skill of most of if not all my racing buddies here on Racedepartment. Most of my competitive ness is down to three things.
My setup, patience and reasonably good consistency.
So the Nissan comes into the first, if the setup cannot give me what I want, then I am buggered.
That is what my gripe is with this 1.0 Nissan Primera, that was not true of the previous interaction.:(
You say that Ernie, but I think I've seen your tail lights more than your headlights in our races ;):laugh:

Driving the nissan reminds me of driving a car (or semi) with a trailer attached (dragging along). So long as you keep the weight and momentum balanced the back will stay in line, but brake too fast, or turn to quickly and the rear is going to pull you out. The volvo is a lot more steady throughout the whole car and doesn't feel like you're dragging a camper around with you. But to me that's part of the fun :roflmao:
Thanks for the race all. Couldnt get past the leader Robert for a while then when I did I put a wheel in the gravel a few laps later and lost all my gains. Decided to pit and run in clean air which was a big miscalculation as I came out only 6 or so seconds behind the pack. Lots of fun there chasing Carsten and Brian though . I spun and got stuck in the pit lane about 3 laps before the end. Quit at that point and that was me for the night.

Big congratulations Robert on the win, you have found a lot of pace since I was last regularly here. Great stuff!

Well done to the other podiums and thanks Brian for putting it on.
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Thanks for the race all. Couldnt get past the leader Robert for a while then when I did I put a wheel in the gravel a few laps later and lost all my gains. Decided to pit and run in clean air which was a big miscalculation as I came out only 6 or so seconds behind the pack. Lots of fun there chasing Carsten and Brian though . I spun and got stuck in the pit lane about 3 laps before the end. Quit at that point and that was me for the night.

Big congratulations Robert on the win, you have found a lot of pace since I was last regularly here. Great stuff!

Well done to the other podiums and thanks Brian for putting it on.

Sorry for the road block Tim, in particular twice coming the last corner. The sand slowed me down like glue there! I was suffering with understeer for the first 50 minutes,, particularly bad around the time you were with us! ... not sure if that was the fairly stock setup or just bad driving/learning the details of the track. It was interesting that you were taking completely different lines though most of the corners.

Simresults ... and setup attached!


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