Germany Lighting Overhaul

DiRT Rally Germany Lighting Overhaul 1.02

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I think in Midday is to many blue Color. Please toned that and u can and a little red in RGB.

Do you rally think it's too much blue now?

In case you've also installed ReShape, you can try changing the rgb settings under the Sepia section to receive a warmer overall lighting. Or, alternatively, disabling ReShape (via the Scroll-Lock key) yet even makes the lighting less blueish.

It's fixed now. Many thanks! :D
You're welcome, and thanks for helping me track down that little 'bug' - sometimes one becomes blind to his own work :)
Take a look at your screen in Midday particulary in forrest part of track. Is too blueish. Ill try rgb set in Reshape.

PS. Can u also change ugly Afternoon / Cloudy Sky and weather in Sweden. This look not nice what codemasters do. I think this so look like this:
Yes, I understand what you mean, but unfortunately it is not that easy to completely change a lighting system without minor drawbacks. If I had the tools the devs have, I'd perhaps not have to rely on guesswork and a _lot_ of trial&error testing figuring out what specific parameters in specific files do.

Rest assured that I do know there's still a lot of room for improvement, particularly in dawn/dusk conditions, and that I'll try to optimize it as far as time and skill permits. Same goes for the work on other locations' lighting :)
I discovered, that each stage has own files sky. It could make 12 separate sky tekstures for each day time (morning/midday/afternoon/night). Then each route would have its own unique sky atmosphere.Codemasters went easy way and did copy and paste files for each route. Hier are many texture files in mod for ETS2. Modders community did 30 different textures for each day time.

Does this mod affects all other countries as well? Or is reshade and so on only for Germany?

It feels like the Sweden stages also got a blueish touch after this german mod :D
Hey! Why does the road in front of me sometimes shown in original yellow look? And then load to this mod? Will there be any update to this issue?

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