FSR World Championships Bahrain Race Review

You are also completely wrong about not taking constructive criticism onboard.
As a result of feedback from drivers and teams we have-
1) Always featured the results of and discussed in brief the race of the top ten and linked full results
2) Commenced a regular feature of interviews which is run by Pashalis with my help and editorial support. Thisis to ensure that all teams will get coverage over the season regardless of their on track results.

So you might like to put it down to childishness but when people get their facts totally wrong they will get a response.
Is it really adult behaviour for you to charge in without fully apprasing yourself of the facts and start calling people names?
David this discussion was over before it started. Get over yourself please. You're taking things out of context to support an argument you drew from nothing.

Carlos gave you constructive criticism and was met with hostility from yourself.

Why can't his criticisms be taken into account the same way as those who provided the feedback you used to apply to points 1 and 2?
Wow this got completely out of control.

Carlos is right about us, having to cover the top 10 thoroughly every race is not easy cause it might be come tiring to read, that's why I decided to start doing the WC interviews, so I could give the spotlight to some drivers/team principals because a race review would be too much to include them all. But I'll also try to talk with David to see what can we do so we can include more in those articles, there's always something to improve.

Mallorqui was also right and that's why I'm responsible for any pictures and videos you may see in any FSR social media page/article and in fact David wanted to give an insight from the battle while writing the article without asking me to give him pictures from my computer, that's totally fine, in the FSR social medias/website there will be HQ pictures. After all this is an article in Racedepartment forums.

About David, I agree he took wrong what Carlos wanted to say and I'll have a talk with him privately, I dunno why this went too far. I also know though that David is the one that helps us all in both ACR/FSR with his editorial knowledge and much of what you see wouldn't be up if it wasn't for him. I'm not saying he's untouchable just because he does stuff none else picked up but we could at least respect that and go on from there.

From the feedback we get I think most of you like what comes from the media section and we'll keep it going and if you feel we can do something better don't hestitate to write us or write in the forums.
