rF2 FSONE 2009 @ Monaco 2010 - Sun Sep 19th 2010

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Quali 1 = p9 | Quali 2 = guess what... still p9!!

race 1, tried to slow down a notch for safety.. held my place on p7 up to the last minute, then boom on the last chicane end of race for me.

race 2, p9 again ... i just stayed focus on the track, and keep my pace to safe but fast driving, one by one they got into accidents, and so i finished p5 at the end of the race.

Great racing guys!! Thanks Ivo for setting it up man! Cheers!
Mixed night for me.

Q1: Took pole but wasn't happy with the lap.

R1: Lost the train of cars on the formation lap, don't know what happened but they were miles behind even though I was only coasting around. Left the boost turned down and didn't get a good start as Lee got past into turn 1. Managed to follow him around but nearly got taken out twice when he ran wide at a corner and wheelspan across the track. Dropped back a bit and that was when I realised the boost was wrong. Got stuck behind a backmarker for a few laps before I went off at turn 1. Recovered to pits to fix front wing and was down in 7th. Caught 6th back up and he ran wide at Mirabeau. I went down inside but he came straight back across and put me in wall. Got a run at him out of the tunnel and was alongside and slightly ahead into the chicane but he just cut straight across me and I got squeezed against the inside wall. He made an error in the second part of the chicane and I got alongside on the inside again but he again turned left and squished me into the wall damaging my suspension. Thankfully he went straight on at the last corner to let me through without further incident but I lost the car under brakes for turn 1 and lost front wing again. Did the final 3 laps with the wing to finish 6th.

Q2: Pole again with a PB.

R2: Better start but Lee still got past. Followed him until he crashed where I took over the lead. Had a small incident with a backmarker around the last few corners. He went wide at last turn, I cut up the inside expecting him to stay on the left but he drove straight across in front then proceeded to slow up. I believe I ended up hitting him up the back but managed to get back over to the left before Gabriel got past and I was able to hold him off. Managed to keep it going in 1st till the end.

Further to Lee's comments about the bugs; I could not see the lights from pole as they were directly above me. The pit exit was weird and narrow. And turn 1 seemed to be a bit tighter than most other versions I've driven. Might just be me though.

Thanks Ivo, RD, and all those I battled with.
My first f1 race and first RD race too.
Race 1 was utter fail, I lost it in the formation lap and had to start from the pits. When I did start from the pits, I moved up to 10th place after everyone pitted for repairs. But then I lost it and hit the wall. Such a noob error.

Race 2 was even more of a failure, I forgot to load my setup and wondered why I had such a slow qualifying time. I was thinking that it was the fuel all along, I only realized the mistake during warmup. I ran the race and moved up to 11th and thought; screw the set-up, I'll run on stock settings. Then my game crashed and thus ended my race.

Great race though, this was my first time and I'm kinda satisfied with my performance. I'll try to fix those mistakes when in the next race :)

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