Forza Horizon 4 - Worth Buying?

Since it's on a pretty big sale right now on Steam, I was thinking about buying the game (to be played on a gamepad).
Is ti worth it? Is it fun? Is it boring? Is it too much arcade? (I'm looking for something in the middle)
Thanks for your feedback :)
@Ole Marius Myrvold I also trust your opinion very much, what do you think?

Horizon... 4? Hmm, I see that Microsoft doesn't show gametime. But I have played that quite a bit.
It is a bit tricky to be "neutral" though, as I found Horizon 3 to be extremely fun, but that was my first Horizon.
Horizon 4 didn't feel that much different, but I liked the Fortune Island DLC, and the game had proper snow. Horizon 5 is much of the same, so for me, who have them all. Horizon 4 and 5 feels like very expensive map DLC's for Horizon 3.

Regardless. It is an arcade game, but where knowledge of car behaviour and physics will help you. Racing lines, setting cars up for corners etc. is all things that are useful.

I've probably spent 1500-1800 hours in Horizon 3,4 and 5 in total. But much of that have been with friends, so the only thing I am unsure of, is how much time you get out of it if you play it all alone.

But the games are fun, and possibly the best "arcade, but sensible physics" games out there. I also only use a gamepad for Horizon.
I've watched a gazillion videos and I am still on the fence about it :roflmao: I probably just need to go for it and worst case scenario, refund it

Then I'll give you some more:
Horizon 4 - warning Norwegian talking, as Mr.Monteiro if you really need to know, lol. It shows how we raced online, and imo, shows that knowledge of car control, physics etc is useful.

Then a couple of track builder showcases from Horizon 5. Why Horizon 5? You will see that the physics are, pretty much the same. I still call in the most expensive and most played DLC I have ever bought :p

I do find the "story progression" a bit lacking in the game, though you do get that gratification of unlocking stuff.

However, I know that the online seasons etc in Horizon 4 is closing down soon, so with that in mind Horizon 5 would be a better choice. Unless you want a pure offline, sit and relax experience, then Horizon 4 does the trick.
Thanks Ole :) much appreciated :thumbsup:

Will point out, that all three videos have cars in the same "class". So basically we really liked to do rallycross-style events, and tuning cars to the "S1" class in-game, and having 4WD tended to work out quite well.

It varied if we went all out to S1 - 900 (which is the top Performance Index for S1), or if we set an HP limit approx. where world RX supposedly have theirs.

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