Cars Formula RSS2 2018 V6 by Race Sim Studio

I will will have to create my own dummy system or something,
it worked fine before, I have a few tricks up my sleeve anyways :D
lets try again :D

Well I fixed the casters angles on the hubs everything is perfect,
I thought there only 4 broken skinned mesh but there is 8 nothing works at all,
more visible the others but inspecting them closely the inside is broken also,
I tried everything still no luck with it,
the engine must not like the physical mesh of the skinned mesh,
so will start again from scratch and make them dummies not mesh,
but this way is even more buggy from experience but its the last thing that may fix it :D
I said these are a nightmare, so strange because everything worked perfect this morning :D
So just got back anyways lets finish this chassis :D
I just capped the front could extrude it and add garbage,
but with 53 shaders and 105 textures already ill leave it :D
So anyways ill explain, before I used these pieces of mesh either end of the cables,
it did work fine but now not,
I used to use dummy but there so buggy, only option left is to try these dummy again so basically except the UV mapping and sdk shaders starting all 8 from 0,
so frustrating but what to do no one else is going to make it :D

so replacing the mesh with these green dummy

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