TC_ALLOWED=1 ; 0 -> no car can use TC, 1 -> only car provided with TC can use it; 2-> any car can use TC
ABS_ALLOWED=1 ; 0 -> no car can use ABS, 1 -> only car provided with ABS can use it; 2-> any car can use ABS
You are very correct Joseph ..I can remember now we last used this server with GT4 and I enabled TC and ABS for the Maserati ....the settings are still the same
@Lucas Gerlach as above ..sorry guys will sort this now
Sign me up please if there's a slot available, thank you.
If you go online to practice please disable TC and ABS ..the race server will have neither as per factory settings ...
- @Mark Burton
- @Craig Dunkley - Race Host
- @Medilloni
- @Captain Condescending
- @Miguel Batista
- @Celtic Pharaoh
- @hape
- @Eigil
- @Raresch
- @pattikins
- @Ken Bell
- @Zeljko "Goose" Gusatovic
- @Ronnie Böhme
- @DrSayers
- @Lucas Gerlach
- @steen skov Laursen
- @Ziggy Gaetrap
- @Kerem Gocen
- @Callum Hornby
- @Reik Major
- @Thegodfather6571
- @Daniel Nieto
- @flyharley
Reserves pls
Ill have one !Two spare cars if you want one Joel ?
Ey up @Craig Dunkley Craig, is the server as it's going to be for tonight? I was on it an hour ago and it's showing 14 deg track temp and very overcast, bad enough to need headlights
...and funnily enough, tried the 'Page up' and 'page down' buttons so I could see, but made no difference, went to try it in hotlapping and it worked fine.
Really sorry mate, won’t be home in time to make it.