Formula raceroom 2

Welp, a warning to other users, just tried buying this, the TTs and Chang. 13 Euro now gone and Raceroom doesn't register the content as purchased. Support will no doubt be able to fix it but I'd recommend holding off on buying anything at the moment, something seems to have gone wrong with their service.
Has the link I gave you helped solve your issues? With buying, not the overlay-thingy, I know nothing about that sorry

Well, i did go thru it, my main issue was how to get VRP and how the instructions from the game itself that were confusing and illogical.. That is definite noobkiller, personally, i give a new game one chance to impress me. So does most of the gamers, first impressions are so important. I basically went thru excitement to utter disappointment, very much like new gamer would. Game is great, driving is awesome, you have gone thru the beginner phase and start to think about content, multiplayer and then.. hit a brickwall :) The wall should come way later, when skillcap hits and you notice you are a actually crappy, noob driver compared to aliens and need to practice hundreds of hours.. That is totally different brickwall, it's your own not one made by the game ;) and we are pretty good at finding excuses for us being rubbish, we find none when the game is one.

Love the game, btw, and the car. Too bad i don't have european tracks, and i'm stuck driving in public servers, where first lap is dodging obstacles and no one has mirrors...