As a lifelong Motorsports fan I can't believe so many are stuck in the past
If 30 years ago you were shown a 2019 McLaren you would say the same
Actually, we are not. We just remember Blade Runner, Space 1999, The Mid-Engine Corvette, The Vector, the self-driving car, the Auto-boat-airplane, ect...Most of us grew up reading Popular Mechanics and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, and saw the "future"Usually the projections of the future by 'prognisticators' be they in cinema, tv, the auto industry or racing tend to get it wrong and do so in a miserable fashion. The ones who got it right more often than not were not car companies but gentlemen such as Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov, Dick, Bradbury, Hubbard, Anderson, et-al.
Those that get caught up in "What It Will Look Like!" are generally those who are easily convinced by those who need consumers for their bottom line, and must "predict" the future to get their targets (audience) to become excited and buy their product. They rely on those who use little logic but are led on by a "vision" that they think will be "Neat-O!"
30 years ago I would have seen today's McLaren and understood it would be possible. Why? Still an ICE engine (hybrid), still driven by man, still requiring man to make decisions behind the wheel. Also: 30 years ago we were were experiencing the first effects of the Ground Effects era which radically changed car design, we were on the cusp of Anti-Lock and other electronic aids, and the cars were more futuristic than they appeared even three years prior.
There is prognistication, and then there is pipe dream or LSD influenced hallucinations. This McLaren (and all those who "can see" this future) prediction falls under the latter category.