rF2 Formula 2 @ Putman Park - Sunday January 20th 2013

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
I dont know what was wrong. At the start in front of me didn't move so I caused a crash and then michael brown was battleing with someone. They ran off i passed them and MIchael just crashed me when he rejoined. I had to catch up again and then according to rfactor I was behind craig and in front of me was Matt so I thought I was lapping him. After T1 he moved to the inside but didnt let me by so i crashed off again. After that my race was pretty much over. But I am not sure if Matt was really getting lapped by me. All very strange and frustrating today.
Sorry Frederic, that was more than likely me you crashed into. As soon as we all were on the grid, i had massive lag problems, something which ive not had until tonight. All i can do is apologize, hopefully, i wont have the same problems next race!

The night was quite enjoyable until race start. Were the hell the lag came from is unknown, but until it showed its head i was having a ball.
Good guys, good crack, and its good to see my lap times are improving.

Until next week...
Yeah no problem with that. The other incidents cost me much more :D. The problem is, that the grid is very narrow and there is nearly no space to the car in front. So there is no was to avoid these incidents. Hope your lag problems will go away. Lag in online racing is just a killer :)
Fun and challenging track and no room for errors….. one wheel just a fraction to wide and you are in the carousel…. :laugh:

Qualified in P6 after running all to wide in last corner, some 2s of my best time.

A the start I took it really easy in the first corner and lost a place, but very soon got it back when someone in front run to wide.
Really fun and intense chasing, and being chased, by Axel along with others all through the race session.
Mainly due to others misfortune in front of me I took one place after another and some 10 laps from the finish I was up in 2’d where I also ended the race.

A little bit criticism to some backmarkers (the main part where behaving fine) who had no idea at all about cars coming from behind and giving no acknowledge what so ever to the blue flags.
I was disqualified from qualifying when the game said I did 4/3 laps. I did what most other drivers did: I did my timed lap and stopped to go back to the garage. The time I set was good enough for P6 at the time.

Then for some reason I started 14th instead of 17th. I made it up to 3rd place doing no overtaking at all because the other cars were either crashing or going off. I lost concentration going into the blind right hander and caused a collision when I rejoined. There was minor damage so I kept going. I passed some more cars as I made my way back up the order but then I was stuck behind a driver for a couple laps, who crashed into a backmarker who lost control causing me to take front wing and suspension damage.

I spent 80s in the pits and cruised home in 9th place. At the very end Matt made a mistake and I was close to passing him right before the finish line.

The car has been feeling better each week, as I was closer to the top times in qualifying plus my race pace was pretty good. I'm going to turn off some distracting HUD elements for next race.
What a blast those cars are online!
Race was great, a bit lonley towards the end but great. I made three misstakes but nothing big. Just went one time wide into the bush lol.
I must get more familliar with all the HUD things and buttons you can press during the race. I never knew how long the race is going to last and didn't know the time gaps also.

I must say I think I am in love with this car now.

A bunch of very friendly guys you are. :)
Thx for the event and cya next time guys.
I may have had a blue flag that i didn't notice so sorry if i held you up Frederic.I got a drive through penalty twice cause i tried racing my way past guys that were slower than me after a few off track incidents.It sucks you basically have to stop racing if you go a lap down.You should always let a faster driver by but if you can pass some guys and get back some positions i see no reason you shouldn't be able to do so.
It wasn't my night at all. In qualy went wide in the last corner and instead of finishing my timed lap couldn't avoid going into the pit. :D
Started as second last and had a nice drive away. I saw there was some chaos at the start more upfront and the guy in front of me braked harder tha expected. I couldn't avoid is tail and lost my front winf. Before I stopped at my pit crew I was already a lap down. Rejoined last with 1 lap down. I could easily catchup withj the guys at the back, but made a mistake and span off loosing my rear wing... I decided to bail as I would come back like 6 laps back to everyone and would be more than a driving chicane. :p
Next one must be better! :)

Thanx all for joining! :)m See you next week! :)

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