Cars Ford Transit 2005 (WIP)

The other 2 is advert van for two firm, but I think they are beautiful.



I would love to have a police version option with the lights on the roof. I'm using a not so well made van for this purpose for now on tracks with traffic (like the Tajo). Really useful to play the little game "no evil seen, no evil done" with the police, you can see them from a long distance with the blue lights on the roof.
Looks amazing :inlove:
Do you plan to do a LHD version, too?
Pretty unlikely. The whole idea of this project (its been so long, i can barely remember :rolleyes:) was to replicate the exact Transit used on Top Gear by Sabine at the Nords (hence the number plates, tax disc etc). That van was RHD, so mine is RHD.

I don't want to say it'll never happen but I don't plan on it. I've spent enough time on this thing already, I don't want it to drag on forever...

Man, that sucks. I really wanted to do a whole bunch of liveries
Lol, you can still do that with the front doors, they open properly.

There was an ask to propose skins for the mod in the "What are you WIP?" topic.
Here are some:
I hope you remember, some month ago I propose the Ford Rally Team Transit to make for S1 version.
You said, that you won't modelling it, but you will use the livery. (Saidly all cars have the bigger box, than your car, so can't make the same livery)

Today I noticed, that there is 3 versions of that skin according to the Focus WRC's liveries:

Version 2000

Version 2001 (This is in the Colin Mcrae Rally 3)

Version 2002 (This is in the Colin Mcrae Rally 4)

The are some older and newer Ford Motorsport liveries, maybe you can made it for this transit too, if you want.

Thanks, these are brilliant liveries, I love them!
I'm definitely keen to do recognisable stuff, international companies, race teams etc. But I want to avoid the more local stuff if possible (like the Hungarian Police/Postal service etc) - as I'd like to save stuff like that for people who want to make their own with the templates :)

looks like you better include some skin templates with the release :roflmao:
They are pretty much ready, if anyone wants a copy to test them give me a shout. I plan on releasing them well in advance of the actual car, to allow folks to get prepared with their favourite skins for day 1 :cool:

So now the question is simple, who will be the fastest delivery man ? lol
Definitely not me, thats for sure. I've been trying to deliver this thing for over 2 years now, and its still not at your doorstep :roflmao:

I would love to have a police version option with the lights on the roof. I'm using a not so well made van for this purpose for now on tracks with traffic (like the Tajo). Really useful to play the little game "no evil seen, no evil done" with the police, you can see them from a long distance with the blue lights on the roof.
Its definitely something I'm thinking about, probably after the van is released I'll look into a police version.
I had one of the 2005 Transits for my work van. It was RHD (living in New Zealand almost all cars are RHD unless imported) and was the 2.8l diesel RWD version.

I had so much fun sliding that around with white wear in the back of it (I'm surprised in my small town I wasn't reported for it haha)

Looking forward to re creating the crap livery the company had on it when it gets released. It looks amazing mate. Keep up the good work.
I had one of the 2005 Transits for my work van. It was RHD (living in New Zealand almost all cars are RHD unless imported) and was the 2.8l diesel RWD version.

I had so much fun sliding that around with white wear in the back of it (I'm surprised in my small town I wasn't reported for it haha)

Looking forward to re creating the crap livery the company had on it when it gets released. It looks amazing mate. Keep up the good work.
2.8? Is that a regional thing? The RWD ones were all 2.4 AFAIK (though the larger, long wheelbase models may have had a 3.2, not too sure on that).


Just wanted to point out with just the detail textures and the RGB map, you choose between matte, plastic bumpers to fully body matching ones for your liveries. No change of shader required :)

Oh sorry, one last thing I forgot to mention;

If anyone has the time and ability to create some 'black diesel smoke' textures to use in place of the exhaust flame textures, please be my guest, as I have neither!


So easy to paint, anything goes... :roflmao:
Looks great man, let me know how you get on with the templates, if there are no problems then I'll make the templates available for everyone. I also have prepared a preview van for testing your skins ingame (without actually having the whole van) which I'll include.

Meanwhile I've done the drivers seat, still a few small details to do (frame mounts etc) but its looking much nicer than what I had previously. Interesting going through and having to decide whether I remake parts from scratch (seats, bulkhead) and where I'll just make improvements on what I already made (most likely dashboard, door inserts).




Some strange modelling choices I've made in the past too, 8 sided gearknob? That'll be going in the bin :roflmao:

Show some wires from this sets please, they look great!
You captured the silhouette just perfect, is that all result of the edge flow or there's some zbrush/normal map magic in there?



Nothing fancy I'm afraid, just a lot of polys :roflmao: I do want to experiment a bit with normal maps, baking from a high poly to low, though probably not for this project.

Looks great - are you remembering to use the black alpha for areas without livery? For the bumpers if you want them to stay the normal colour its necessary to use the black alpha, and definitely recommended for the main livery colour too (like that orange).