Not in my PLR file because of this line:
[ Controls ]
Current Control File="Controller"
In the Controller.ini
FFB Throttle FX on steer axis="0" // 0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.
FFB Brake FX on steer axis="0" // 0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.
FFB steer vibe freq mult="0.00000" // Controls frequency of steering vibration. Recommended: 0.5 to 1.0, 0.0 disables steering
FFB steer vibe zero magnitude="0.00000" // Magnitude of steering vibration at 0mph (reference point).
FFB steer vibe slope="0.00000" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB steer vibe zero magnitude).
FFB steer vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB steer force prediction="0.00000" // Time into the future that force is predicted, to help counteract wheel latency (0.0 to disable)
What I have found with realfeel is it likes rear-steer in the suspension file.