Converting to Codemasters' games...genesis, can you pass me 3d model f138, please..? i try to convert to f1 2012 and rfactor
Please try,at least it worth it.If you can succeed it will be a glorious event.But i think in order to import models you need to have the exact same program what codemasters used to import 3 models, but i don't know.I'm not an expert in this.I haven't even tried creating 3d models myself.I have a friend who is a programmer, a great programmer who can help me. I would try to f12012, and rfactor. I think it will be easier for rfactor. I'll try anyway, if Genesis can pass the 3d model
Ehh?What are these lines are for?this is the code from pssg file
bool extractor:rocessPSSGDATABASE(const binary_stream& bs, uint32 position)
using namespace std;
if(debug) dfile << endl;
if(debug) dfile << "--------------" << endl;
if(debug) dfile << " PSSGDATABASE " << endl;
if(debug) dfile << "--------------" << endl;
if(debug) dfile << "offset = " << position << endl;
// set stream position
binary_stream stream(bs);;
// create node
boost::shared_ptr<TREENODE> node(new PSSGDATABASE);
typedef map<uint32, boost::shared_ptr<TREENODE>>::value_type value_type;
tree.insert(value_type(position, node));
// set parent
uint32 parent = 0;
map<uint32, uint32>::iterator iter = parent_list.find(position);
if(iter != parent_list.end()) parent = iter->second;
if(debug) dfile << "parent = " << parent << endl;
node->parent = parent;
// read chunk properties
PSSGDATABASE* info = static_cast<PSSGDATABASE*>(node.get());
info->chunktype = stream.BE_read_uint32(); if( return error("Read failed.");
info->chunksize = stream.BE_read_uint32(); if( return error("Read failed.");
info->propbytes = stream.BE_read_uint32(); if( return error("Read failed.");
if(debug) dfile << "chunktype = " << info->chunktype << endl;
if(debug) dfile << "chunksize = " << info->chunksize << endl;
if(debug) dfile << "propbytes = " << info->propbytes << endl;
// validate
if(info->propbytes > 1000) return error("Unexpected number of property table bytes.");
if(info->propbytes == 0) return error("Property table expected.");
// read properties
uint32 bytes_read = 0;
while(bytes_read < info->propbytes)
// read index
uint32 type = stream.BE_read_uint32();
if( return error("Read failed.");
bytes_read += 4;
// data bytes
uint32 size = stream.BE_read_uint32();
if( return error("Read failed.");
bytes_read += 4;
bytes_read += size;
// find index
typedef map<uint32, PSSGATTRIBUTE>::iterator iterator;
iterator iter = attrlist.find(type);
if(iter == attrlist.end()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Failed to find property for index " << type << "." << ends;
return error(ss.str().c_str());
// read attributes
const string& parameter = iter->second.parameter;
const string& attribute = iter->second.attribute;
if(parameter == "PSSGDATABASE" && attribute == "creator") {
if(!readString(stream, info->creator)) return false;
if(debug) dfile << "info->creator = " << info->creator << endl;
else if(parameter == "PSSGDATABASE" && attribute == "creationMachine") {
if(!readString(stream, info->creationMachine)) return false;
if(debug) dfile << "creationMachine = " << info->creationMachine << endl;
else if(parameter == "PSSGDATABASE" && attribute == "creationDate") {
if(!readString(stream, info->creationDate)) return false;
if(debug) dfile << "creationDate = " << info->creationDate << endl;
else if(parameter == "PSSGDATABASE" && attribute == "scale") {
if(!readVector3(stream, &info->scale[0])) return false;
if(debug) dfile << "scale = " << "<" << info->scale[0] << "," << info->scale[1] << "," << info->scale[2] << ">" << endl;
else if(parameter == "PSSGDATABASE" && attribute == "up") {
if(!readVector3(stream, &info->up[0])) return false;
if(debug) dfile << "up = " << "<" << info->up[0] << "," << info->up[1] << "," << info->up[2] << ">" << endl;
else {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Unknown block property " << parameter << ":" << attribute << "." << ends;
return error(ss.str().c_str());
// add child chunks to stack
if(info->chunksize == info->propbytes + 4) return true;
return processChildren(stream, node, position, info->chunksize - bytes_read - 4);
Then do a conservation with him if he is online.Hope he is willing to help then you can do your magicis the beginning to create
i need the 3d model.
've been up all night, my friend and I, we believe we can recompile the models
CATERHAM - Renault
Marrusia, Williams and STR to come.
please let us finish the models, we will then upload to mediafire and you can use/edit as you wish....the chances of importing these models back into CM is slim to none...and slim left town!,,,,,,,but by all means try...the issue is not reading the files its simply an issue with re-packing them.
if you wait for 3d model for this game, its gonna never happen, he just show us 3d model and skin for Rfactorwaiting for 3d models
He want to import them with a program so maybe it will be a success, or not?if you wait for 3d model for this game, its gonna never happen, he just show us 3d model and skin for Rfactor
if you wait for 3d model for this game, its gonna never happen, he just show us 3d model and skin for Rfactor