AC Fat-Alfie Championship Classic race#3@Deutschlandring, Tue 8th November 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I had a bad start because I thought to take it easy to avoid incidents in front. That cost me a couple of places but no incidents for me in the first part. That went well but when Laurent went very wide in T2 and Ernie passed him on the inside I followed Ernie to do the same. But Laurent closed the door and I had to brake hard while turning on high speed. I lost the car, did a 180, had to wait for all others and ended up last. In the same first lap I had another two spins when I got hit by cars going off themselves. After that I focused on getting a steady pace and see if I could move up some places. That went well with some nice overtakes in the hairpin section although it was very dangerous to close in on Robert who apparently took pride in using all square meters of tarmac.
Finished 12th which was not too bad after those incidents. But boy what a handful this car is!

Congrats to the podium. Impressive pace by Luka in the 250GTO:thumbsup:.
From my point of view everyone raced with respect for each other. I saw a couple of times that drivers followed the Golden Rule:thumbsup:. Great!

See you all on the Feldbergring in two weeks!
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Fairly quite race and to be honest got the result (P10) my pace deserved. No offs, which was an achievement, but my times through the hairpin sections was really killing my laptime. Crew Chief was telling me I was 2.7 secs down in that sector:(

I didn't change setup much, apart from gears, so I'd be really interested to try one of the fast guys setup to see if I missed something crucial for the slow speed sections. Please...

Fortunately, the remaining tracks are generally high speed so looking forward to those.

Anyway, great close racing when I was racing, but it usually ended up with me losing a place :)
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That went well but when Laurent went very wide in T2 and Ernie passed him on the inside I followed Ernie to do the same. But Laurent closed the door and I had to brake hard while turning on high speed. I lost the car, did a 180, had to wait for all others and ended up last. In the same first lap I had another two spins when I got hit by cars going off themselves.
Ouch, tough firrst lap for you there. My car understeered a lot.. that happenend in T2 after which I lost so much speed to keep it on the track. I didn't close on purpose there, I wasn't aware you were coming in fast. Sorry.

Other than that, I had a good start. Managed to do some overtakes. After a few laps in the downhill section Steve seemed to keep his car in a slow drift, I tried to pass him on the right but he lost it and there was no way to go for me between him and the fence/ditch. I did some ditch riding there. I tried to defend from Steve by going wide a bit later but just understeered in the ditch again. From then on I started experimenting with corners, how to handle etc. I made up some time for sure but lost quite a bit trying that too. I was amazed seeing the lines the TVR guys were able to take compared to my car in the downhill section :confused:
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Started in 4th which i was more than happy with. I knew i was never going to challenge the pace of the 3 in front so would be happy to play safe and just try to keep up. I lost a few places in early laps that did not trouble me as it was through playing it too safe rather than lack of pace. When the leaders started pulling away from the rest of us i tried to raise my game and take a couple of risks. Wrong move with the TVR, probably the most unforgiving car there is, ended up sideways in a ditch on the downhill right turn section by the wall. After the drama i was now in 10th and swearing at myself for being a wanker (it helps to talk). No matter, i felt confident i could come back and within a few laps was challenging Richard and Laurent for places which i luckily took and a short while later witnessed Ernie making out with a tree at the top of a bank with Lars watching the disgusting act. My luck was in i thought and i could even see the front runners who must of also had issues. Time to focus back on Denis who i spent a number of laps admiring his excellent choice of livery. An unfriendly bale of straw ended that task and i could feel it all slipping away again. Only Ernie past me and i passed him back at the pits. Just bring the car home now i thought. Wrong, rear tyres are going fast and i can see Ernie and Lars inching closer all the time. Panic set in and of course the outcome was i lost out to both of them on the last section of the last lap. Great fun of course and thanks Han as always
Guys, could you give me some tips about your setup decisions for TVR? For example, the gear ratios. I had decided to set the last gear up to 243 kph because the car wasn't faster than 233 apparently (105% limiter).
Any other tips to reduce oversteer and bad reactions when downshifting would be appreciated.
Sorry if I sound a bit insistent :p But normally on AC when I face these issues I don't fix them as I'd like.
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Guys, could you give me some tips about your setup decisions for TVR? For example, the gear ratios. I had decided to set the last gear up to 243 kph because the car wasn't faster than 233 apparently (105% limiter).
Any other tips to reduce oversteer and bad reactions when downshifting would be appreciated.
Sorry if I sound a bit insistent :p But normally on AC when I face these issues I don't fix them as I'd like.
In the first races I used 108 engine limiter. This race I saw that the engine limiter also effects the gear setting strangely enough. I put it back to 100% with 11/39 final gear and especially the oversteer decreased making the car a bit more stable. Decreasing from 108 to 100 didn't seem to affect the top speed.
I've tried a few setup directions but haven't really found anything that didn't make the car slower so I reverted back to the stock setup.

I find I have to brake and accelerate in a straight line in this car, ie brake before the turn, then turn in and go through the turns in a half throttle/steady state and then go on the gas when the car is pointed the right way.

You _can_ slide the car from entry to exit but it's such a fine line between hero and zero that I find it's not worth the risk (atleast to a mid fielder like myself).

As to problems when downshifting, change gears as late as possible in the braking zones. Let the revs fall to avoid locking up the rears due to engine braking.
Humm, I tried the second gearing option in the Ferrari that went up to 300 kph in 5th and I think 256 in 4th..
its a ferrari
Yippee, at last a lotus cortina, probably be sh*t at driving it, expecting it not to give those twin Weber sound, but “hey ho” just to drive a lotus cortina will be great.

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