AC Fat-Alfie Championship Classic race#1@Thomson Road, Tue 11th October 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
These cars are very tiring. I rode the whole race in shock for fear of making a big mistake. It ended with a surprising third place for me. But even more surprising was what happened about 9-10 minutes before the time was up. I don't record replays. If someone can tell me what punched me in the bushes at the entrance to the pit lane, that would be great.

Thanks Han for organizing and the fair gesture in the last lap. :thumbsup:
I don't really see the point for a mandatory pitstop if there is only 1 strategy available? Especially not when the strategy is simply stopping for 1 second.
Just to make strategies like undercut/overcut possible. And fast inlap/outlap .
I don't know why I've finished 2nd, suddenly in one turn I've gone from 5th to 2nd. I guess Hank B. and Alan Ramsbottom must have crashed and Enzo must have suffered a bug or DSQ(?). I'm satisfied with my driving, I've had no mistakes. I like this kind of races when I'm not unlucky (not dodging cars spinning, etc.), but I don't want to be as lucky as tonight. 4th position looked deserved, 2nd is too much.

TVR is a really fun car. I had found I was almost 2s faster than on Ferrari, so I picked it. However, I have forgotten to change the gearbox :roflmao: The rest of the setup, except for the pressures, has been the default one.
I'm a bit disappointed with myself for having driven with sequential gears and without clutch, one of my goals is to race with H-shifter. I had practiced that with the Ferrari, not with the TVR. Just a couple of laps, one second slower but quite unsafe for a race, especially for the other drivers. And this kind of cars don't forgive! :D

See you in the third GP! On 25th, I'm going to a concert. I hope the number of drivers increase a bit, 6-7 absences in first GP is weird. The two good things are that the group of drivers here is very reliable and also only 5 races count out of 7, so no problem for those who have had a bad night or people who will join later.
Have a nice week!!
Thanks Han for organizing and the fair gesture in the last lap.
No problem, Hank. It was clearly a Golden Rule situation. But did you brake very early there? I was surprised and couldn't avoid contact. At least you maintained your position. I lost two.
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A very exhausting race. You need full concentration to drive these cars. Not much to say about my race. Ok start, hit a lamppost in the first laps and had to catch up. Pitted early to avoid being chased by Allan. Second stint was quite good, managed to 4th and could close the gap to Hank. But he defended well so I got a bit frustrated. In the last lap I got very close to have a last change to overtake him but I hit him in the braking zone and I had to wait for him to come back on track. Allan and Paul could pass also so I ended 6th with a very sweaty T-shirt.
There were some discussions afterwards that this was probably the easiest track in this championship. Well I'm not so sure but we will see.

Congrats to the podium, especially Daniel for a great consistent race:thumbsup:.

Next week will be more relaxing and great fun with a lot of drivers, so have a look and sign up.
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I will second that with Dani, he drove a very consistent race. I was following him quite close for the first 25 mins with him in 4th and i tried to put pressure on him hoping he would make a mistake but nothing came my way until i made a mistake, and then another and he just kept pulling away at that point. I started to lose concentration and made a couple of hairpin screw ups but eventually finished not far behind Han so quite happy with what i feel for me to be maybe the hardest track of the bunch plus it must be my setup but just like Sebring, my tyres went off for the last 15mins. All good fun, thanks Han for all the work. A bit disappointed you were not taking requests for the cello concert like last week though
Hans and Steve, thanks for your words :) By the way, it was hard to hold your pressure, I felt your car in my nape for several laps! haha I believe you were slightly faster probably. We both have a similar pace in every race, it's always fun ;)

By the way, I have to say Hank Belane bore my pressure too, well done!

PD: Next time I should join the voice chat after the race. What were those cello concert requests? hahaha
I struggled a bit at first but eventually got into a reasonable rhythm even tho it was a slow waltz and not a fast foxtrot as I got used to the car and track. I know you will all go on at me now about practise practise practise and build muscle memory. Trouble is after doing lots of practise, my muscles remember how much and say "I've had enough, can't drive any more now" :laugh:
It's the nature of being old, at least for me it is.
I have to say I didn't like how the GTO would suddenly lose the back-end and there was nothing I could do about it, it happened a couple of times. Maybe the tyres were going off as someone else mentioned. I was also surprised at how much quicker the TVR's were by comparison. I hadn't tried them before the race, trust me to choose the slowest car too. :rolleyes:

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