F1 considering an end to its misogynistic grid girls feature

It's the "objectifying" that gets everyone rattled.

You could argue F1 is all about objectification from the top down, the cars, the drivers, the grid girls. I like how having beautiful women around is against "societal norms" according to F1. Yeah, as a society we hate looking at beautiful people. They need to get real.

I guess we'll see how pandering to bunch of uptight feminists works out for them. Sounds like they really know their target audience.
I’m so happy there are so much more interesting racing classes than F1. LM let’s PC and commercial wish thinking ruin their 8 billion investment in a crazy rate. And it’s not just about the grid girls. It’s just the reasoning and mechanics of their thoughts behind all their decisions.

The heydays of F1 are already ended at least a decade and a half ago. And the way it’s diminishing under LM is quite alarming for longtime fans. But it’s clear LM doesn’t give anything about long time fans. They’re going for the quick win. Which will be their own downfall imho.

Luckily I can vote simply with my remote. ;)
A lot of "big" words has being said here, I was just giving one last look at it. Time to move on.
Racing in F1 won't be any more boring from it.
If you're still undecided or strongly against it, just picture a face your gf, wife, sis or mum on these amazing photos female bodies guys have take:




...and many many other...

I bet it feels just amazing now.
Or daughter.

Can people really not see how damaging this is to the female role in a(nother) male dominated arena?

I wonder what Claire Williams or Manisha Kattenborn's opinion on it would have been.

Or maybe they're just not allowed one.
Or daughter.

Can people really not see how damaging this is to the female role in a(nother) male dominated arena?

I wonder what Claire Williams or Manisha Kattenborn's opinion on it would have been.

Or maybe they're just not allowed one.

Yeah, I can't tell you how I've been damaged by shirtless hunks on the cover of romance novels over the years. I'm so devastated I can't go out of the house anymore and am now only resigned to sim racing at home day after day.

Since when is modeling a male dominated arena?

You think women are not allowed to have an opinion? What planet do you live on? Seriously.
Yeah, I can't tell you how I've been damaged by shirtless hunks on the cover of romance novels over the years. I'm so devastated I can't go out of the house anymore and am now only resigned to sim racing at home day after day.

Since when is modeling a male dominated arena?

You think women are not allowed to have an opinion? What planet do you live on? Seriously.

Are you deliberately missing the point here?

Surely a female should have equal opportunities within a work environment as a man should.

I'm not talking about modelling, I'm talking about motor racing.

There may be brilliant female aerodynamicists, engineers, designers out there - there will be - but the proportion of influential females within the sport, compared to male appears to be very small.

In a modern world where some are striving for equality between the sexes, it could be considered damaging that, to any casual observer of the sport, a man's role is to diesign the cars, design the engines, build the cars, set the rules, drive the cars, and a woman's role is to stand there and look pretty.
Where is the support for female youngsters to give them a chance to be as competitive as their male counterparts ? Race-driving is male-dominated, if Liberty really wanted equality, they´d focus on the development of the next generation of drivers despite their sexuality.

Bringing gender-related topics into sports is ok, but then really do sth. and stand out instead of just jumping on the social train. To exclude anybody because of their gender is sexistic behaviour.
Who should give guidelines to social behaviour and political correctness and be the guidance of our world ? Religion ? Politics ? Surely not Liberty Media.

Whats the next move: No More Male Drivers in 2019 ? #Notmeetoo
Losing one days work a year isn't going to kill these women. Nothing stopping the teams from hiring as many promotional models (male or female) as they want to stand around looking pretty, just F1 itself isn't going to continue the archaic practice of having girls standing around on the grid and podium pathway applauding etc for no reason other than being arm/eye candy.

Personally I think a mixture of grid girls, grid boys and grid kids all wearing official team/circuit/organising body uniform like any one else involved would be the way to go, but if it's just going to go away entirely who gives a toss. There to watch the cars not coo over someones body, on which note I think a lot of heterosexual men would change their tune about grid models if all of them were hunky men in skin-tight latex...

I have read this and I have tried but I can't disagree with you enough. Thank god opinions are still allowed on this planet (for now). And in my opinion I believe in the exact opposite to you.
In a modern world where some are striving for equality between the sexes, it could be considered damaging that, to any casual observer of the sport, a man's role is to diesign the cars, design the engines, build the cars, set the rules, drive the cars, and a woman's role is to stand there and look pretty.

Ah, there's the problem, you're a casual observer. If you take a close look at why men and women choose different professions you'd understand that there is no conspiracy to keep women down. Men simply choose to go into motorsports more because they find it more interesting than women. Women go into nurturing professions like child care, teaching, and nursing because they find it more interesting by and large than men. There is no conspiracy keeping men out of nursing. That doesn't mean that all men share the same interests or all women share the same interests, but overwhelmingly on average men are going to be more interested in cars than women. This is why you see a disparity.

You brought up Claire Williams. Well guess what? Even she'll tell you the same thing. She's come out and said there is no glass ceiling in motorsports and men are just as supportive of women as they are men. So there's your answer. There is equality of opportunity, women just aren't as interested in taking it.

And yes, the subject of this thread was about models being fired (much to the chagrin of lesbians everywhere), not drivers.
Men simply choose to go into motorsports more because they find it more interesting than women. Women go into nurturing professions like child care, teaching, and nursing because they find it more interesting by and large than men.


And yes, the subject of this thread was about models being fired (much to the chagrin of lesbians everywhere), not drivers.

As @Andy Jackson already pointed out, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I hope you realise that what you have posted there is exactly that.

Unless you have some research into the desires and interests of men and women you care to share with us?

And big trophy yo you for being the first to introduce homosexuality into the conversation. Care to elaborate further on its relevance?
Unless you have some research into the desires and interests of men and women you care to share with us?
Men and women are biologically different. @Slowdive have given the rightful generic biological difference. But it’s an unpopular fact in these sad heydays of identity politics and political correctness.

One is equal to another, but when you are on the good side of the identity politics and political correctness you are more equal.

And a funny fact is that the right to self-determination is anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, just like equality (oh, and the right for a woman to nurse their childs, hint hint, biological differences).

In fact, according to that, patronizing women (and men) for exploiting their looks for their profession and willfully wanting to destroy their profession is truly an act of misogyny. And not to mention this brings down the number of women involved in F1.
grid kids

This is the thing they should aim for! Bring young karters from the host country to be the ones holding the numbers on the grid, let them do it in team-wear for the driver they get assigned. Or even let them use their own race-suits. It will be a huge thing for the kids, and just fuel the passion for motorsport and dream of getting to F1.
Just look at all the football (soccer) mascots, it's a big thing for those kids.
This is the thing they should aim for! Bring young karters from the host country to be the ones holding the numbers on the grid, let them do it in team-wear for the driver they get assigned. Or even let them use their own race-suits. It will be a huge thing for the kids, and just fuel the passion for motorsport and dream of getting to F1.
Just look at all the football (soccer) mascots, it's a big thing for those kids.

Men simply choose to go into motorsports more because they find it more interesting than women. Women go into nurturing professions like child care, teaching, and nursing because they find it more interesting by and large than men.

Men and women are biologically different. @Slowdive have given the rightful generic biological difference.

Okay, especially for you: great source for reading the facts!

@Slowdive has not yet substantiated his claim that males and females prefer different professions because of boilogy.

@Patrick van der Meulen despite being of the opinion that Slowdive's assertion is 'the rightful difference' your offer to 'Google that for me' did not produce any results that substantiate the claim.

Hypothetical situation then - say you ran an F1 team and advertised for an aerodynamicist. Two leading contenders for the role, one male, one female. Would you give the job to the male because you thought they'd be more interested in the job, based on Slowdive's insights into biology?

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