I'm sorry Pityke72, I tried to translate your message, but I couldn't understand the question. Can we talk in english? English it's also not my mother language, so we can be free to get wrongJó a mód csak az a gondom,hogy nincs az autóknak hangjuk mit csináljak ilyenkor?
You're right! It doesn't has to be this way It must be some little texture that passed and I didn't saw the error. I'm traveling right now, but when I come home, at jan 3rd, I'll release some update correting this minor errors.First off, Thank You so much for sharing your awesome work with us - Love it! I have a small issue however, with the Alpine (only) I get this (see image below please). Is this meant to be this way? If not, how do I fix? Again, Thank you for sharing your work.
FraPP!!!View attachment 527304
Happy and Safe travels - All the Best to you in the coming New Year! Thank you.You're right! It doesn't has to be this way It must be some little texture that passed and I didn't saw the error. I'm traveling right now, but when I come home, at jan 3rd, I'll release some update correting this minor errors.