F1 2020 Work-In-Progress Thread

Currently working on real-life sponsors for myTeam pack.
Currently got brands like Castrol and Medion in mind...

What brands would you guys like to see as primary/secondary sponsors for your team?
I'm curious, did you find a way to change the sponsors logos on the car? All I could find was how to change them in the menus...

And I'd like a Lidl logo, please, as I've made my team the Lidl F1 team :D
Hi. I want to do a Lavazza sponsored Haas for MyTeam career, but it looks like this when I edit the decal. Anyone knows why?
haas muestra.png
Witam wszystkich, chciałbym zapytać, czy ktoś zrobi malowanie tylnego skrzydła do kasku Kubicy na karierę. Jestem tym zmęczony, ponieważ nic nie wychodzi.
Hello everyone, I would like to ask if anyone will do a rear wing painting for Kubica's helmet for a career. I'm tired of this because nothing comes out.


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This is my team so far but i was wondering if anyone has had success with editting the team uniform, pits and pitbox?


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