F1 2020 Modding Questions Thread

Is it Possible to manually move drivers to different teams? Just wondering how to deal with My Team Drivers moves that are just a little to crazy and I’d like to create my own grid every season.

Thanks in advance for replies
Here the look in game, but i still tried to fix the spec map....

Quick question, I don't have the game yet but thought I'd ask in case I do get it: has anyone started or finished some form of mod for the my team sponsors to be real brands?
Hi, anyone knows how to modify the common liveries? because i cant find de d.tif parts on the files.
In the directory "F1 2020/2020_asset_groups/f1_2020_vehicle_package/teams are all the team liveries located. Just open the folder of the team you want to edit and then the ERP file within. Then scroll past the bunch of car number files until the file mercedes_paint_d.tif (or any other team name before the first _ ). When you want to change the livery, export the texture file with the appropriate mipmaps file (located in F1 2020/f1_2020_vehicle_package_teams_*whatever team you want to edit*/textures and then click the paint_d.mipmaps file). After editing just re-import the same file in the same way
Hi all, I'm fairly new to F1 modding so please bare with me if I'm being foolish. Is there anyway to change the abilities of the drivers? I've used the ERP Archiver to look through various folders in the game, but can't seem to find anything related to driver performance. Obviously each driver has visible stats now, surely they must be stored and editable somewhere?
Hello, I want to replcae the racenet livery. I have opened the dds file in photoshop however, I do not have a 3d model of a car, nor do i have a template of where the car bits are. Would appreciate if someone could help me out with finding one!
Has anyone got a step - by - step guide on how to create own custom livery? Not the photoshopping part, just the exporting the files - editing - saving - importing.

Having a tough time trying to figure it atm.

Any help is very much appreciated,
[QUOTE = "Dylan93, post: 3220915, membro: 1278870"]
Da quando ho aggiunto un logo personalizzato per il mio team (uno scudo spartano perché sono Leonidas che corre nel caso tu sia interessato) Non riesco più a collegarmi al server, più persone hanno questo problema o è un codice non correlato comune (non ) problema dei master?

è successo anche a me

If someone is reading this, it would be nice if u could help me. I'm totally new in this modding scene and i have problems with my custom Logo in the "My Team" -Mode. I've followed a lot of tutorials how to do it,but in the end, i can't figuring it out where i made the mistake. When I export my custom logo from PS as dds (intel) and replacing it with the existing erp-file in ERP and than look up how it looks like in game, it's not like it shown in the preview as in ERP Archiver. The borders are not sharp and the colours differs from the preview as well. Changing colours in game doesnt change anything. Any solutions?
Quick question, I don't have the game yet but thought I'd ask in case I do get it: has anyone started or finished some form of mod for the my team sponsors to be real brands?

To my knowledge, there isn't one yet. I have also not seen someone successfully replace a team sponsor graphic at all.

In the ERP resources, there are some sponsor images that can be replaced, but they are only used as previews for the selection menu. I suspect the team sponsor logos are in a vector-based format the ERP Archiver does not seem to support yet.
To my knowledge, there isn't one yet. I have also not seen someone successfully replace a team sponsor graphic at all.

In the ERP resources, there are some sponsor images that can be replaced, but they are only used as previews for the selection menu. I suspect the team sponsor logos are in a vector-based format the ERP Archiver does not seem to support yet.
if that were the case you could still find the file itself under all resources and likely export it, editability might be an issue though. I did dig around to see if they'd be under XML files or PKG files but didn't find anything there.

Vector formats do seem like a solid option though