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Misc F1 2019 v1.00

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Same here but I have found a way to change it a bit without changing to much :laugh:

Made the FM text a little bit smaller and the Fuel Mix number a tiny bit bigger that should do the trick. Will post an update soon.
I also changed that a little bit to increase contrast between the black and grey. If that still not usable for you there is always the option to edit the dash and change the color within the Fuel Mix widget a bit to what works for you.

I will post an update soon but need to test a bit more before I will release.
Depends a little on Simhub. But it should work, except that I designed it specifically for the 4.8" USBD screens but made the resolution higher so it is also bit more usable on bigger higher resolution screens. So it can be that it will not exactly fit or you have some empty black bars because the aspect ratio of your screen is different. Also another thing can be that it can look better if the dash was specifically designed for the resolution your screen uses.

But you can just install it and try it and see if it's usable. If not you can always remove it again.

I have the same with some dashboards created by others for different screens, when I want to run them on my USBD screen. Not al dashes look that great and don't use the full screen because of a different aspect ration.
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Thank you for your rapid response, very much appreciated! (as is your work) I have not used the editing tools yet, but I assume you can set resolution and screen size in the editor? Sorry I am on the road and don't have access to my PC - using my mac notebook right now.
No that is not possible to make an easy change. If you want to have the correct resolution you will have to change almost all the elements of the dash to the correct size not only the general resolution. But I believe Simhub will try to scale best as possible to fit the dash to your screen.

For example my screen uses a 480x232 pixels resolution. But I designed the dash for 960x544 pixels resolution so it's usable on more screens. Simhub scales down the dash to my screens resolution and that looks good because I used factor 2 in heigth and width of the resolution.

So for example on your 5" screen it should be no problem and Simhub will scale it a bit down. But it can still have some strange behavior. On your 7" it will probably upscale the dash which will look less then when it would show it on the correct resolution.
Thanks again for the quick response. I will go ahead and purchase the 7 inch screen and will let you know how it turns out. Sounds like I might have to get to proper grips with the editor soon :)
Just quick follow up - the dashboard look great on the 7inch display. Every thing comes across really well. Th better resolution lets me make some of the elements smaller, but they are still very readable and I have more screen realestate to add new elements.
Good to hear it also looks good on a 7" screen.

Looks like Simhub does a good job in scaling it to the correct resolution. Thanks for the feedback!
I'm trying to make this dashboard also compatible with F1 2020 with some mods of course because of the new overtake function. But I have some troubles to get Simhub to work correctly with F1 2020. Currently only works if I set the game to F1 2019 mode.

Hopefully this week some time to see if I can get a usable dash when in old F1 2019 mode.
I'm trying to make this dashboard also compatible with F1 2020 with some mods of course because of the new overtake function. But I have some troubles to get Simhub to work correctly with F1 2020. Currently only works if I set the game to F1 2019 mode.

Hopefully this week some time to see if I can get a usable dash when in old F1 2019 mode.

May I ask, how have you got this to work? I've tried running it in 2019 and 2020 telemetry modes and it either doesnt work or puts out absolute nonsense to the screen (like 4000 degrees brake temps whilst stationary).
I'd be happy just to have it working as it is in F1 2019 as I've built my nextion screen into my wheel and it's a PITA to either have nothing work or display incorrect data.
In F1 2019 mode also not all data is shown correctly. But some of the most important ones sort of work. But for example most ERS values are incorrect and some how 3 tires show temp but the fourth shows 0. Some more things are not working 100%.

To get it working I only changed the mode to F1 2019 in game. I'm using Simhub 7.0.6 and have selected F1 2020 in Simhub and double check the UDP settings that they are the same in game and in Simhub.