Just an update - this is still progressing slowly. I'm at a point where having some buttons to attach code to would be useful so...
... thanks for the offer. I have attached the following handwritten sections of my design document involving graphics. Don't make extra work for yourself, if you can put things on a screen using the same buttons/bars/backgrounds then please do so. As I said, I am no UI expert (or novice) so suggestions and freedom to design is entirely yours.
I've been looking at this more and more. I can reliably implement:
- Have Engine temperatures steadily (or rapidly) increase (either on Rich Setting and if applicable Standard fuel mix). Once a threshold is hit, engine power begins to diminish. The performance returns though once the temperature is reduced. This is displayed on the MFD temperature screen [There is a option to have permanent wear - but this isn't told to the driver either by the engineer or in the MFD - so I tend to leave it alone because].
- Have over-revving effects on engine wear heavily increased (which if un-managed, can both lower engine power permanently or at worse, blow the engine entirely) - [I don't believe this is the same as the Manual Gear Power Loss Issue - as this over-revving wear does show on the engine wear MFD - while the gear damage does not].
- Increase chances of Stuck Gears, Missing Gears and Lag between gear changes - with adjustments on the min and max times that these temporary issues hamper you.
As I have never encountered any of the above naturally in a few seasons now, it's nice to see they all work well - and engineer radio reports reliably about each of these.
I am also looking into and having unreliably success with DRS jams (an event I have naturally encountered just once), and tyre blistering (though, where as wear simulations goes from 100% - 0 %, tyre blistering simulations goes from -100% to 100% - so I am not entirely sure how I am meant to be making this work)
I am now seriously adding these into the mod. I.e., you can take a high-performance, high-risk set of upgrades, which will increase the odds of the above happening.
As I am generating new files every race automatically, I can also set a tiny tiny random 'DOOM' chance, where you're race, no matter what you do, is almost guarenteed to have some major failure resulting in either a heavily disabled car or an all out retirement - as at the moment I never have a DNF that wasn't caused by a (normally self inflicted) physical incident. I realise this may not be everyone's taste so may allow this as an option.
Would people be interested in: Each season, the tyre wear profile of all 5 dry tyres change slightly? Some seasons make them closer together time wise, sometimes spread them out, some years make every other trye wear (SS + M or US + S + H) etc etc? This means Practice (doing the trye degregation mission) would be beneficial a few times each new season instead of knowing instantly a) all tyres life and b) all best strategies for all 10 seasons.
Also - I am interesting in how people are doing with their tyre temperatures during a weekend? Are you finding managing tyre temperatures to easy? to hard? What about break temperatures? I am interested in how others play the game.