F1 2015 Modding Questions Thread

Please. i need help. first post is don`t work (DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN) need new link. (sorry for my english, i live in slovakia) Help guys!!!

It means that the DNS service is not working properly on either your side or the server's side. Changing DNS server to Google DNS or OpenDNS , or remove all cookies and cached files on your browser will help to resolve this issue immediately. Like any other error, there are several ways you can solve DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN problems by yourself.
  • Release or Renew Your IP Address
  • Change DNS server
  • Restart DNS Client service
  • Reset hosts file
  • Reset Chrome Flags
  • Reset Winsock program
for me most easy fix is changing dns to and

if still have error other methods on https://geeksadvice.com/how-to-fix-dns_probe_finished_nxdomain-error/
Hi guys I am new to the F1 2015 editing topic but I would like to know how to get into it, because I would like to make some arrangements for it. Can someone give me a guide?
Yes you can its located in F1 2015\ui_package\art\texture_arrays\overrides.uidb folder, look and open in EGO ERP archiver the file named overrides.drivers.nationality_flags.texarray. click the <> on the bottom part of the EEA to select the flag you want to change then hit export. chamging flag will affect the drivers that are using them. like kimi and bottas for finland

The File didn't existe ? Is that normal ?
Hi guys! Excuse my English, I'm from Russia. Please tell me, after I extracted the texture using ERP EGO and edited it (Photoshop and nVidia plugin for DDS), I try to import it back into the erp file. But the ERP EGO program says that this format is not supported. Why? Am I using the wrong settings when saving in the nVidia plugin?
If you know, please tell me. I will also be grateful if you know any instructions or a message on how to do this correctly. Thanks.

P.S. I solved the problem using Paint.net
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