We have a group of 4 or 5 people who are definitely listening to your suggestions. In the last 48hours that group along with help from @Tony and myself have put several hours in to trying to get further with the CTD. File permissions has been looked at and played with but so far with no solution.If moving install drive(or path?) is the only way to get rid of CTD, user privilege for installed files and directory might be the cause as I mentioned before. At that point, no one listened my suggestion(not just this, all my suggestion was ignored), so I'm not sure.
You made a post a while ago with how to get a crash dump. I can't find it right now. What do you need from us to investigate further. With the help of the group I can get you multiple debugview++ logs and crash dumps.
Please if you have any suggestions for the CTD voice them again. With the activity on this thread it is easy to miss them but right now we have a concerted effort to try and find the cause . If you can tell us again what you need from us I will do my best to get you as much of that info as we can.