Man, I got home to have a nap before the race, but ultimately slept through it, gutted I didn't make it. Would've been some good practice for the big one this weekend!
Anyhoo: About the stuttereing. Someone mentioned that they crashed out during qually. Should def be a rule in rf2 that you HAVE TO join in practice. Because in rf2 i believe anyone will stutter just a tiny bit(atleast) when someone joins or leaves. For me, it does not make me crash, but it does affect my lap-time. The car essentially freezes on track for 0.2s and that will ultimately reflect on the laptime. It's something that's really been annoying me on the RDLMS practice servers, but unfortunally I do not think there is any solution other than studio 397 getting their act together in regards to fixing these stuttering issues. (I'm running DX11, and it's a huge improvement over DX9 that had MAJOR freezes and crashes, and even bigger issues with stuttering when people join and leave a server).
I believe it is already possible to prevent drivers joining during a qualify session, like it happens in a race.